Scott Anderson

Nope, don't use scoopable or clumping litter at all. We've had at one point 24 cats; we currently have 4 indoor cats. By far the best litter system we've used is Tidy Cat's Breeze. It's cheaper than even cheap clumping litter once you've bought the base ($35) and there's no smell or tracking around to speak of - maybe

Meh, we've been using our Maytags for about 11 years now. I had to repair a thing on the dryer ($5 part), and the bearings are starting to go on the front-loading washer like they all do eventually, but considering how much we use the things (we have boys and used cloth diapers, 2-3 loads per day at least) they've

VMWare Fusion is $70, Windows 8 is something like $100. Why buy a new computer at all?