
It already is.

You obviously have no idea how the tax code works, 1040EZ filer.

I pay nearly zero income tax. I am considered “upper middle class”, with a cumulative household income around 130k. My charitable giving, sales tax, investments, and property tax are all write-offs that completely neutralize my federal income tax.

Quaint, but ineffective.

Oh, look, a rep from the 99% of Americans with sub-100 I.Q.s has arrived.

Was it illegal, or does it serve to partially unmask the problems with subsidies in this country?

Oh, yeah, a flub. For sure. Just...please try your hardest not to be one of those “most”. Statistics are not kind to the majority of our compatriots. You and I knew what he meant by that, and we should be able to more easily get past it.

Once again: no surprise here.

Thanks for that response of substance. Your head may now be re-inserted to the sand.

Ya know, I thought that all these gamer turds were of the mind that a woman has the right to do whatever she wants with her body...

I hereby dub this the “Gamergater’s Dilemma”.

Then they should quit. Crazy concept, I know.

Only 1,000? Why not 1,050?

Trump pays more in sales tax, property tax, and capital gains tax than your entire county.


A video game story on Kotaku front page?

“Artists”... I don’t think you understand the meaning of that word.

No one “has to” work that job at all.

There is: don’t pre-order, and don’t buy at launch.

Person who actually experiences “crunch” comments that it’s not so bad...