Actually, consumers can end it. But God forbid the average video game consumer to care about important stuff. They’re much too worried about how those mean people treated Zoe Quinn on the internets.
Actually, consumers can end it. But God forbid the average video game consumer to care about important stuff. They’re much too worried about how those mean people treated Zoe Quinn on the internets.
He must be waiting for the next Kickstarter goal to be reached.
Then stop buying the ones that are. Wait until 3 months after launch.
First of all, Kotaku is not “the press”. If they ever were, they gave up that description long ago, when they took a battle ax to journalistic integrity.
I might if you wrote it in English...
You fucking moron. This isn’t about “beliefs” and “views”. Kotaku has successfully destroyed the relationships of some indie studios and Oculus, and have convinced their throng of drooling followers that it’s because of Donald Trump’s candidacy. That’s shilling for the other side, plain and relatively simple.
It’s not just this story. Maybe you forget that this is Gawker, a networked sued into bankruptcy for its ethics breaches. Not to mention the employer of one scumbag Nathan Grayson.
Call me what you like. I’m right.
Sorry, I read at a higher level. Could you try that internet superiority complex again, but more literate?
You don’t have to tell me I’m right. I already know.
Sorry, I don’t go that way.
Kotaku is the site that made me decide that I really don’t give a shit about net neutrality.
Burn the motherfucker down. We’ll go back to communicating the old fashioned way, and these hacks can go back to being the pre-autism-excuse weirdos that served french fries and manned the gas pumps.
That’s because Jeb is a progressive liberal.
That’s still not a problem.
Unless you’re in need of a safe space, I guess.
You people will quantify anything that lets you be the massive trolls that you are. Gamergate was just the start.
You mean like saying that all voters that support their party’s candidate are “deplorable”?
Welcome to Gawker, the network that specializes in getting sued for this very thing.
Kotaku wants you mad at a Trump supporter for his political views instead of mad at Kotaku for politicizing Oculus.
Attacking a Gamergater’s boyfriend isn’t going to get you vindicated, man.