
Nas is so much better

If you need 3,000 word write-ups on Star Trek: Deep Space 9 episodes, I'm your guy.


Where would you rank Armstrong amongst the world's greatest sociopaths? Personally, I'd put him somewhere between Gordon Gekko and Herod the Great.


Wait, I thought you were a runner/jogger? Do you jog and smoke?

Dost thy pomposity knoweth no bounds? En garde, I say! When I am finished with thee thou wilt be so lame that even almshouses shall refuse thee!

Silence thy churlish squawking, thou detestable tickler of the male g-spot! Or we shall have to settle this by a duel, if thou aren't too chicken-hearted!

I shall leave thee in the proverbial dust, and thou wilt need Charon to ferry thy contemptible ass after thou cramp'st up.

By my troth, thy lamentable choice of coffin nail is so vacuous I literally have nothing to say about it.

Camel Turkish Silvers or GTFO



Cookie monster vocals: underappreciated, or extremely underappreciated?

I'm just a regular fella. But I do have an obsession with medieval/Renaissance literature.

This is basically how Portlanders react when you mention water fluoridation.

400 pounds of shit in a 300 pound bag.

The most surprising thing about this story: no one is named 'Gordie.'

Actually-Hitler Checklist: