It's a proven fact: being sexually involved with lots of people will drop your life expectancy from 800 years to a meager 650.
If you want to see what it's really like to play the game Grand Theft Auto, you should probably just play the game Grand Theft Auto.
I only stated my opinion of the film. What's wrong with that? If you want to argue why it's good I'd be willing to listen, but I don't need to be reminded that this is just my opinion.
2001 is pretty much unwatchable. I finally forced myself to watch it all the way through last year after many failed attempts, and it took me over two days to finish it.
Hot, steamy D-III action here for your consumption.
I know everybody is thinking it, so I'll just say it: Ticket Oak is a fucking asshole.
The only way to destroy this vile fiend is by impaling him with a wooden asterisk straight throught the heart.
I scrapped those. Not enough good material there.
Who is the better captain: Clint Dempsey or James T. Kirk?
No biggie.
Abraham Lincoln's birthday isn't exactly a national tragedy.
Turbo-folk. Thanks a lot, Serbia.
That's cute. I remember when I had my first Capri Sun.
Mark Wahlberg's real penis is his face.
Isn't getting plowed by a train of crazed football players a nightly occurrence at ASU?
Sepp Blatter is so multicultural that he can speak both Swiss German and regular German.
She forgot to put on pants again.
Wait, I thought sex-ed was putting a condom inside-out on a banana and then being told that abstinence is the only kind of safe sex?