
From people I have actually heard of:

We would have been caring for our children. That kid had to make a huge, protracted effort to get into the enclosure. The “parents” had no visual or auditory contact with him during this time. That is gross negligence, and an animal who had done nothing wrong was killed because of it. You obviously want to live in a

I totally agree. She is the only person not directly involved who has a stake in this game as the mother of his kids. I get why she spoke up, but the outrageous but didn't sit well with me either.

During Golden Girls we learned little bits and bobs from their lives before they all met. Am I the only one who would watch a prequel about their early lives? (mostly Rose’s)

First Nickelback, then Beiber, now PartyNextDoor. Trump’s wall is at the wrong border.

It’s totally possible for a man who hasn’t abused his other lovers to abuse his current one.

Am I just supposed to accept that this man’s name is PartyNextDoor with no spaces?

I used to play golf a lot with this lady:


which would never be the case nowadays. hollywood would probably get the fanning sisters to play all the part if it was remade now.

She was born Christmas Day, 1925, so she was 19 for the 1945 season. I wonder how old most of the players were? A League of Their Own made them seem older, but that is clearly because the filmmakers wanted established actresses. The real life Racine Belles were unlikely to be in their mid 30's like Madonna and Geena

None. It’s not an elephant, it’s a drawing.

:::uses sparkle gel pen to add more hearts around his name:::

Hope your fingers are longer than Trump’s.

I never liked Slater. Or Jessie. Fuck her and her lame-ass caffeine pill “addiction.” Also fuck that pedo Mr. Belding creeping on a bunch of teenagers. What was that playing favorites shit about if he wasn’t trying to fuck them I ask you?

:::crosses Mario Lopez off ‘childhood crushes I still have’ list:::

I couldn’t stand AC Slater

Dude (or lady) she’s been lasting 15 *years*! lmao

^^ this X 1000. Enough money can hire brains....unless you are Johnny Depp apparently.

What’s a fair settlement for 15 months of marriage, with lopsided income going in? I need to know because I’m extremely rich, marrying someone decades younger and I don’t like prenups because I’m a romantic.