
So you are saying that calling out speciesism is a way of being secretly not so secretly racist and sexist? No, our disdain for different species is very intimately related to racism and sexism (and capitalism). The reason that we might need (and I mean need, not want here) zoos in the first place is for conservation

Ok, fuck you.

Dude, no. Just no. You can disagree with me on this one (really, I get it), but please don’t pretend that I don’t care about black lives just because I care about animal lives too.

That is a speciesist response though. I know I’m in the minority, but I truly don’t understand why we privilege human lives over all others. I get that the decision had to be made, but I think this animal’s life and death are all tragic examples of human hubris.

I don’t believe in online threats. I understand why the zoo had to make the decision they did. But I also think of humans are overpopulated and these gorillas are endangered (thanks to generations of fucked up human behavior), and it is unfortunate that he had to suffer for just doing what gorillas do when freaked out

I don’t think the problem is that she said that he was never abusive in their relationship (that is relevant, generous, and necessary), but that she said that Heard’s claims were “outrageous.” I recently had to do a custody thing for an ex in which new gf claimed that he did things in their relationship that I would

Just like basketball fans watch the WNBA.

Yeah, but Jessie would def be a Hillary supporter.

Yeah. I will take “fake-deep” over cynical bitchiness any day of the week. Leave Britney alone!

This story is terrible, but I hate when anyone, regardless of their sexual orientation, shoves their love in my face via PDA. My soul is dead and I hate people's romantic happiness. No one should be arrested for it, but eye roll. (Says the person who totally eye rolled the old heterosexual couple walking arm in arm in

But who was it? I want my illusions shattered!

You’re right. No.

They often are a bit overdone for my particular fancy, but they are really, REALLY pretty people.

Hide behind the screen ‘cause you’re just so mean!

As an aside, am I the only apartment dweller who thinks it’s unnecessary to complain about “sex noises.” I hate laughter, television, music, fighting, but if my neighbor has a better sex life than me my response is to say “God bless em” and put my ear muff thingies on.

Hi! This is Chris Evans. I just want YOU to be happy! XOXO, Chris

I will fight you to the death to defend that dress’s honor! (Or passionately disagree with you in a nonviolent way.)

I wish my brother would try to hook me up with Prince Harry. Stop smoking pot and do something with my life, brother!

Taylor, yes, would be recognized and that might be weird. Nobody knows the dude she’s boning though!

She has her moments of ugh, but I can't help but love her. She is damn talented and says wonderful shit like this.