
Plain, yes! Doctored up right, they are so damn delicious!

Yes!!! Winston for James Bond, 2016!

Shut up, Demi Lovato.

Yeah, but if you didn't see season one you wouldn't know. That is some natural looking new hair.

Kate Beckinsale has always been so pretty, but how is she soooo much prettier now.

Wait, I thought he had something to do with Hamilton. I’m an idiot.

This devastated me so much. Literally cried.

I think the brunt of the shame is on Allen, but there is plenty to go around for studios, actors, audiences who pay to see his movies, critics who praise them/give him awards, etc. I guess I think of studios as corporate enities who are going to do what they do as long as the films make money and/or earns prestige,

You seem nice. (That's not sarcastic.)

“No one is as big a toddler as she is. Ariana Grande wishes” is my new favorite insult, and I will use it always.

I love Steve Carell, and I cried when I found out he was in this movie. I’m not in the place to ask, but if I were I sure as hell wouldn’t give him a free pass either. At the end of the day, I still like Emma Stone, Colun Firth, Diane Keaton, Cate Blanchett, and countless others who chose to work with Allen. But I do

I think your “permanently banned” point is interesting, but for me the issue is they never really paid for the crime (in as much as you can). Had Polaski and Allen went to jail, then maybe let them get back to their jobs without calling them out at every turn. But, in Allen’s case, he had sketch relationships with

I feel like not calling bullshit on the young actress is acting like she is not an agentive being responsible for her actions in this. Yes, Allen is the bad guy, but Stewart and people like her have the power to say no to working with him.

So you go that direction, rather than holding people who work with Richardson, Brown, and the like to higher standards. Plus, I have seen people be called out for that on this very website, so not buying that either.

Even if you say he’s not a rapist his creepy-as-fuck marriage is still an example of predatory, though not illegal, sexual behavior. He is a disgusting human being, but people ignore that because he is a rich white guy ARTIST.

(I don’t think so. I’ve heard the original and the remix—both of which I love—so unless I’ve just missed something. He’s terrible, I refuse to buy any of his music, but I haven’t been able to not like Ignition.)

My mind auto-completed the Brie Larson story to “Brie Larson is engaged to Alex Trebek.” Don't know whether to be disappointed that that is not a thing or relieved that she is keeping her hands off my man. #grannyatheart

That’s not a gaudy tattoo. And do we know that has Bieber ever said anything homophobic? (Not a Bieber fan—boy has said some dumb shit, but I don't remember any of that.)

I'm literally sitting on the toilet right now, door open, cats hanging out. I'm gross, but at least I have love.

I could hold more in my mouth alone. So many pens in can go in my mouth.