
Even at his drunkest, Captain Jack would have gotten a damn prenup. The man was always one step ahead.

Vanessa Paradis is cackling most delightedly in her French mansion with a glass of the good stuff and the pool boy.

Way harsh, Jia.

Between this and the math post I am so happy for her. A love of learning is always rewarding, no matter what else comes your way.

Perhaps she sees a line between her work and being watched when she invites it and is performing v. when she is in the privacy of her own life. Her life itself is not for consumption, even if her work is for public consumption.

Amen to wisdom in whichever form it comes.

The person in the video sounds like Eugene Mirman to me.

That is SOME pig. Terrific. Radiant, even. Is (s)he humble though?

That’s a good lookin’ pig.

I’ve always suspected she was doing so much better because of the conservatorship. People like to toss around “mental breakdown” and “crazy” and what have you with celebrities who seem to go off the rails, but it seems pretty clear that Spears had some serious, serious mental health issues. If having other people take

I know we’re all just speculating here but there’s no way to know what level of control she actually needs. It could be that the stress of making financial decisions is a huge trigger for her.

Do the people who paint Jamie as an exploiter not remember how dire Britney’s situation was in 2008? She was on the verge of seriously harming herself or her children. She was being taken advantage of by numerous shady men. She was breaking down in tears in public. Today she is stable, professes to be happy, and

Exactly. Let’s remember that at one point the courts gave custody to their dad because Britney wasn’t well enough to care for her own children — who no one has ever doubted that she loves.

Not to mention that there are kids involved here. She seems to be doing much better now and she seems present in her sons’ lives. I feel like this might be in everyone’s interest.

I just love her so much and want her to be happy.

See, I think that’s exactly what it is. I don’t think there’s some grand conspiracy here on the part of everyone taking care of her to maintain the conservatorship just to make money. Just trying to ensure that a person with a mental illness be compliant with their medication can be a huge pain in the ass, not to

i kind of get it. my mother is bipolar, but she’s ok as long as she takes her meds. some days, she thinks she’s just fine and doesn’t need her meds. my dad will come in and remind her that she is ok because she’s taking her meds right and then he’ll watch her take them. he also makes sure she doesn’t miss any of her

Yeah I think it’s really important to remember that we the public have never been told what her diagnosis actually is, if it were minor I think they’d be upfront with it, so whatever is wrong with Britney must be severe. I’m not sure it merits this level of control but personally I think if it has to tip one way too

She’s doing really well.

I get the sense she hasn't had many real friends. Having a sleepover with Britney might be like getting an abandoned kitty to trust you. "You can come out from under the couch, Britney. It's okay. Nobody's gonna make you dance. We'll watch movies and eat junk food and paint each other's nails, okay?"