
Uhhhh, forget the "Nothing Compares to You" channel. Let's go get a drink, Mallory. If your own girls aren't doing that with you, then you and I are. =) =) =)

I regularly weep at gigs, and then keep repeating "I WAS MOVED"!!!!

I hear ya. That was me at Fleetwood Mac last summer.

Concert attendee protip.

I 100% do. I'm a shameless concert-cryer and I sobbed for most of the 2 hour show when I first saw Dolly.

well FINE you made me cry.

Yep, obviously since Cleopatra, Elizabeth II, Hannah Arendt, Sylvia Plath, and Margaret Thatcher have films made about them WE ARE DONE. Got that, women? These films about white European women (minus Cleopatra) are all we need.

I would just wear one of those old timey full body swim suits.

I...I liked 27 Dresses. And own it.

I have lost over 100lbs and had two kids via c-section. so in clothes I am fine. Naked is a whole other story. I totally get what you are worried about. I have always been super modest and self conscious. I can tell you that in my experience post weight loss dating between marriages, it was never once an issue. No man

Hey guys! Does anyone have any advice for motivating yourself to do household chores and for doing them efficiently? I am *not* a naturally tidy person, like at all. My apartment is never dirty (don't leave old food out and whatnot) but it is aalllwayyysss messy (clothes everywhere, recycling piling up, stuff like

So, I mentioned last week that I had met a super sexy man who I was totally into but was experiencing a lot of anxiety about discussing with him the wasteland that is my naked body (massive weight loss, folks). Well, I managed to avoid jumping his bones this week - it was incredibly tough to resist - and the topic

German Shepherds are the best dogs on the face of the earth. What a beauty!

My dog is nine months old as of yesterday! Here's a photo of her putting her head on the seat in the car (I was parked, don't worry). She's only started doing it recently and it's super cute.

I went on a date with a guy last night, and I sorta made out with him AND DIDN'T HAVE A PANIC ATTACK! I also managed to tell him a little bit about my panic attacks and triggers, and he's basically the sweetest.

Gonna see him again next week, and basically can't wait. Even if this doesn't go anywhere romantically, I'm

Now you're just talking crazy.

Eva looks like Ava. Old school glama-lama-ding-dang-dong!