
My Grandpa thinks Spike TV is some kind of channel devoted to Spike Lee.

It makes no sense to compare what Brooks did with the people profiled in Weingarten's excellent piece. They are completely different scenarios, and it undercuts your argument to put them in the same league. Regardless, I have no problem whatsoever with what Brooks did. You don't need to "tell everyone it's totally OK


So I just got back from Europe. It was so fuuuun! But expensive as hell. I really was not prepared for a sandwich and fries to be $25 and a coke to be $7. The euro was awful but not as bad as the British pound or Icelandic krona. Anyway, thanks to all the jezzies who helped out and gave me tips/advice for my trip. You

I feel like the people who masturbate less maybe do so because they are gettin' action from a partner on the regs? I am single as fuck so I'm like a 13 year old in the shower over here.

Don't get me wrong. I love this movie. But isn't the romance mostly based on kidnapping and anger management issues?

I'm finally in the 1%!

Yes, my number differs GREATLY depending on the time of the semester. Am I up to my neck in grading? Once a week if I am lucky. Summer time? Once a day! Damn, I guess that averages out of 4 times a week and I checked 2-3. I'm bad at averaging. Probably all that masturbating.

Since the dosage of an anti-depressant I'm on was increased a couple of months ago, not much at all. And I'm okay with it. Before comment.

Most mainstream famous women are sheltered from a lot of of the issues that drive people to seek refuge in feminism. Their whole schtick is based on performing their femininity and hedging their sexuality to society in a way that conforms to the typical ('patriarchal') standards.

I just saw this Keira Knightley quote and I will post it:

"There is an under-representation of our stories, just as there is an under-representation of us in politics and in business and everywhere. That's what feminism is [to me] right now – the recognition that we are still not equal. I absolutely love guys. I love


Looks like my baby-hating cat's frantic emails and calls to the Pope are going unanswered. Time to start writing to the other Pope in Catican City, my fuzzy friend.

Nice try Cool Pope, but no I'm keeping my familiars.

I agree with the pope. Furbies are fucking creepy.

I sincerely hope more celebrities are willing to discuss miscarriage (if they want.) It is so isolating and feels like you're the only person in the world who it's happened to. Knowing you're not alone can be so helpful at such a difficult time.

My butt has a bodyguard. It's called "underwear".

I have chronic illness, too, and one thing that is sure to make it act up (whatever type you have, pretty much) is stress. I agree with the poster who said closure is overrated; life just doesn't always offer it, and worrying about it, even a little, is a strain on you at a time in which you need to be figuring out

Closure can be overrated. I think his completely blowing you off after you expressed your emotional needs shows that he's a jerk and you're better off not wasting any more energy on him. That sounds pretty closed to me.
Now curl up and cuddle with those two gorgeous cats. Kitty cuddles are the best thing I know (after

Hi Hanzo! Toby just turned 9 and is also my longest relationship. He's pretty much the center of my universe. My fiancé knows this and will continue to take a backseat.