
The way funfetti cake smells when it's baking is sweet sweet foreplay.

Confetti cake is the shit. It's for kids and it's freaking delicious. Channing, we can drink too much wine and eat an entire confetti sheet cake together.

I live in Morgantown, and I've been to this place a few times. The BBQ is really good. I think a dinner out is in order this week, so I will dine there for all of the Jezzies.

Potato skin binge all weekend. For feminism....yeah feminism. It'll be a sacrifice that I'm willing to make.

You are bear-y grounded mister!! I'll show myself out..

As my two naked toddlers just fell off the bed, where I was letting them jump around while I dick around on my phone...

Did you mean Trigger Warning: The Great Gatsby contains elements of bore?

They better have let Nana eat the treats she missed, because she gets an A for effort!

In a way, aren't we all sleepy kitties?

Naw, you're fine. I have a son but his father doesn't want to get married and I do. Badly. I've attended 4 weddings and 5 engagement parties this year alone and am becoming quite bitter *huffs*

Thank you. I think it's important for people like us to share our stories and experiences. Whether it be a chronic disease, or one that manifests during pregnancy, it shows how real and dangerous pregnancy can truly be for some people. That's why it's so irritating to talk to people that think it's no big deal

I'm sorry about your illness. :( Your reaction doesn't sound narcissistic, just legitimately upset. A friend of mine struggled with infertility for years while her siblings kept having lotso babies (she's Mormon) and every bit of "good news" and mother's day was full of SHUT UP time for her.

Its always a struggle. You become numb to it eventually, not to say it ever really goes away.

When we were little girls maybe our mom's should have focused more on telling us what not to put in our vagina instead of what not to put in our mouth.

Good thing he didn't have Pepsi in his mouth...

I am creating a burner just to say thank-you, Mark. I had one of those soul crushing days where you realize what you've been holding out for, working towards for 2 years isn't going to happen, and I probably need to quit my job. A job I'm emotionally involved in.

I make a motion to start Dolly Parton facts in the style of Chuck Norris facts. GO!

FACT: Flowers don't bend to face the sunlight. They bend toward whatever direction Dolly Parton is.

FACT: Love of books is called bibliophilia. Love of cats is called ailurophilia. Love of Dolly Parton is called logic.

FACT: Dolly Parton

As long as I live and breath, Dolly can do no wrong. I just wish she could have something private, all to herself. I feel really bad reading this, like I pried into my friend's diary when I shouldn't have. Anyway, you be you Dolly - gorgeous inside and out.

"She opened her top and showed them her boobs, which Jennifer says were completely covered in 'the most beautiful angels and beautiful butterflies and baskets of flowers in pastel-colored tattoos.'"