
Gun control doesn’t save kids.

No, it sounds much more likely that the journalist misunderstood the nature of the cuisine.

I bet she absolutely did. I mean, I’m pretty sure nobody ELSE looking at the same bird would have seen it.... I’m just saying, if it only happened on your trip, does that mean it didn’t happen??

It’s just stock that you make by boiling the shit out of some bones, preferably still with a little meat on them. Like soup bones, you know? No idea what it is or if there’s a difference in the mass production world.

The hell is with this “white women” thing? Did someone go around checking identifications? A good part of the women up there who can claim Native American heritage aren’t dark skinned or dark haired. Also, the Native American culture is pretty well shared up there. Storytellers would come to elementary school classes

EVERYONE needs to join this conversation. This shit keeps happening partly because not enough people are joining the conversation. What we need too is for COPS to start joining it and quit standing up for their “brothers” when they fuck up like this.

I got nothing without the fine print.... I see NO way this would infringe on anyone’s rights if it’s done the same as we do it now in California. The ONLY thing I can think is what other reporting agencies might be included in the fine print. As far as I know, the DROS check generally just searches police databases

Nobody is objecting to the idea of local militias for all....? That’d be a pretty intense level of armed organization for likely anti-government minded individuals, wouldn’t it?

I get what you’re saying but remember, “self defense” means a LOT of different things. Where I grew up, I’d have felt EXTREMELY vulnerable without some sort of gun in the house because it’s literally so remote, police can’t possibly get to you in time to be much help. You’re on your own. And this could be a defense

I work for a gun manufacturer in California and I do NOT understand this. We have a mandatory 10 day waiting period and mandatory background checks and it’s not infringing on anyone’s rights or a massive inconvenience to anyone. The bullet button thing is a damn stupid idea and I’m glad that one didn’t go through but

This makes me happy enough to sort of make up for how bummed this ongoing bullshit has made me.

That mug shot creeps me the hell out. I think I would punch a face like that with the same jittery reflex that makes me smash a roach when I see one.

Where’s the “Extra Support for Giant Boobies” section? Because none of these are gonna cut it.

Did he, y’know.... lose custody or something somehow? Or does this poor girl still have to live with the fucker in 121 days?

I’m very confused. The 16 year old was charged with ALLOWING the 15 year old to engage in sex acts? Was he a participant or was he obligated to stop her from having sex with some of the others?

This logic is making me see red spots.

......................... WELL I FEEL ILL. And I’ll probably never eat cornflakes again as long as I live.

I’ve had an amazing experience with the applied kinesiology system but, as with most things in life, it only really works with someone who is smart enough to ask the right questions. My chiropractor used it to give me actionable information that led to my near complete recovery after 15 years of quack doctors giving

Man, these comments are bumming me out! At the store I worked at, most of the employees were just so stoked to share. We were running around like “omg, have you heard this record yet? You have to hear this record!!” to co-workers and customers and if they had it was like “omg, how good is it!! How awesome!! WE HAVE TO

I worked at a Tower Records for a year (which was a long damn time considering the turn-over rate) and I loved my co-workers to death. Every employee had their genre niche and we all knew we were all there for a shared love of music because the pay was sure shit. Like you said, the only problems I ran into that felt