
I guess you’re right I mean look at your mom, who obviously dropped you on your head and made you this stupid.

MMA is not professional wresting..or comics for that matter. It’s a real competition, and people play to win. I watch an MMA fight to see the world’s best go at it, not for them to entertain me with flashy moves.

Exactly this. People think Apple is deliberately targeting Civil War games. But this is what happens when you enact a well-meaning, but overly broad, ban of a particular symbol in a massive marketplace.

I suspect this will eventually be corrected.

True, my mistake.

I’d wait a while and give it another try, I was following it montlhy and dropped it at the third issue. A friend bought the first trade paperback and it hooked me right there , I read them by Trade Paperback now and the binge reading really helps the flow of the comic. the universe is amazing and the characters feel

Don’t fault him for living the American Dream.

This may be the best article I’ve ever read

I was too angry at how trigger happy he was to save him. Fuck that guy.

Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.

Vampires can be killed with wooden stakes. Writers can be killed when you attach scare quotes to the word journalist. The more you know!

I live a few hundred kilometres from the epicentre in Dehradun, India and we felt the actual and the aftershocks pretty well. The scariest part is, even though we are in a seismically active zone, there are almost no building regulations aimed specifically at eartquake retardation. My building swung about like a

This, exactly this. I played Demon’s Souls first and gave up on the second level because I died twice and lost like 2000 souls maybe. And I got frustrated at losing all that experience. I later picked up Dark Souls because I kept hearing great things. When I finally got through the first couple of bosses, I realized

2013 Monolith: Okay, these NX specs are definitely the hardware for this game, right?

To be fair, Bloodborne is a game that wouldn’t exist without the Sony Japan Studios collaboration. In fact, the Souls games would likely never have become a thing.

I’d say this is the right kind of exclusive, where first-party existence is strongly merited.

I think they also think you want really good gameplay, fun parkour mixed with great guns held together by programming that keeps the game running smoothly even when it gets about as chaotic as a third-person shooter has ever been. So when it comes to story, maybe they don’t respect you? But when it comes to gameplay,

As a QA tester for a large publisher, lemme tell ya it's not always the QA teams fault that bugs don't get fixed. QA's job is to report the bugs, it's the devs job to fix them. It's very odd that a bug like this didn't get fixed though, it seems so obvious and game-breaking. Also keep in mind that there is no group

My first PC was store bought, and God was it awful. The case was miniscule, the PSU actually stood in FRONT of the heatsink, the OS wasn't installed properly, so everytime I popped a CD/DVD in, it would randomly freeze and need a forced reset, the graphics card was rubbish (an nVidia 5200FX in 2004)...

oh god, your story hit everything. loved it. i remember thinking the same way back in the day. "youre a computer!!! play the game!!! I put the disc in you, you read it, so why cant you play it?!?" I'm so thankful for those experiences though because they MADE you learn about the systems. Nowadays, kids have all this

Oh look, a video that runs five minutes, at the end of which I am still alive. Looks like a question answered to me.

Something to consider: Goku believed his power to be maxed while fighting Cell, and turned the fight over to Gohan because he believed that Gohan was the only one able to surpass his mortal limits because of that inherent "anger" trait, or whatever it was that gave him so much potential.