
So after a long term relationship recently ended, I decided to just be like "fuck it" and joined OK Cupid. I've never done any kind of online dating before, I have a friend who actually met her husband off of that site (and they are happily married for four years now and have a kid), so what the hell have I got to

I dunno if it's really correct to say it was "hacked" since that's a thing Wikipedia lets anyone do, for the most part (and Wikipedia vandalism is super common as a result, although it usually gets fixed quick for the same reason). It's not like anyone had to circumvent protections in place by taking advantage of

Absolutely agreed, Yannick, and thanks for writing this.

Hey Richard, I just wanted to toss this out there: Thanks for these. I'm really not much of an anime watcher just because of the other things competing for my attention, but your reviews have been instrumental in helping me get a handle on some of the ones to toss in the queue fairly content in the knowledge that I'm

Welp. It's one more chip on the pile for me when I finally dig through my Steam and (significantly smaller) PS4 back catalog enough to justify a Wii U. The thing is rapidly turning into the Nintendo Dreamcast.

Can't say this is terribly surprising; I remember watching that video back when he put it out (for the record I fucking adore Stephenson — Cryptonomicon is one of the best books ever written) and thinking "Hhhhuh...This guy doesn't actually know much about video games, aaaand this is probably going to fail."

Pretty cool they're showing us this stuff, although I'm glad they went with the more subdued (if you wanna call a giant bloody fridge chained to the ceiling bathed in red light subdued) look for the playable version.

"Beating a kid creates an atmosphere of toxicity in a house that lingers forever: One beating leads to the next, and to the next, and to the next, until parents don't even know why they're beating the kid anymore."

You'd likely have to set up a regular old web filter. Although, just as a heads up, if you haven't been using a web filter up until now it's an incredibly safe bet your son's seen some stuff that would turn your hair white. Check your browser history.

Given the kinda meh reception this got for the other platforms it came out on, I gotta wonder if Ubi are planning on adding some goodies or making some tuning changes or something for the Wii U.

Who knows, maybe this'll be the "definitive" version? Or they'll just poop it onto the Wii U after the massive delay and

My only question is how they're gonna show him to scale, or even if they are. I mean, Ridley's frickin' massive. And can fly.

Well, obviously you can do as you please, but a gentle reminder: When you spel things liek dis and omit letters and punctuation, it has the effect of lowering the register of what you say.

Oh my god did I find the only other person ever who vastly prefers the Eva rebuild to the original show?

Obvious caveats: the movies don't have anywhere even remotely within pissing distance of as much cultural import as the show did/does and never will, and obviously taken as a whole the show is a couple of orders of

Oh yeah, but the double entendre is pretty obviously supposed to be there.

Oh god these were amazing in all kinds of bad ways. Neo Geo had some pretty incredible ones too. One of the strangest batch was for Meridian 59, though. Not so much insensitive as just...Incredibly weird in tone. I remember seeing it as a kid and saying "So...Are they just insulting the people they're trying to sell

I think I need to do this as well.

DONE. Preordered. Take my money, McMillen.

What? This is perfect. It's exactly who they are, and exactly why they're dying off. They should hold more of these. They should hold them all the time, and take attendance numbers, and then hire someone smarter than them who knows how to work the fancy magic boxes what make the blinky lights and the bloopy noises but

Yeah sociopaths don't handle rejection very well.

Shared this with a friend from across the country who actually works at a comics shop and also happens to be black, and has many amusing stories about casual nerd racism. He had a pretty good comment I'm going to paraphrase here.

Him: "Okay, so if my shop had a room that everyone called 'dead nigger storage', think