
Welcome to seeing how the sausage is made, errbody. All your favorite big game companies, basically anyone with a PR/Marketing department, has e-mails like this all over the place.

@Jason: I'm sure you're well aware of this kind of odd Marketspeak in internal communications, so is this mostly for readers' benefit?

I'm actually pretty curious about the user purchases carrying over as well. Are digital Nintendo games still locked to a single console, or can I just log in on the new 3DS and still play my stuff I bought? I don't want to have a separate console just for Tokyo Wars and...that other game...the dice one with the

Once, yes, I think? Was also pretty drunk (and was in college) so I honestly can't remember the specifics but I don't recall the beej experience being dramatically improved by it. For the record, the Altoids thing works.

That's...actually not a bad description I guess. Huh. Although I dunno about HOT tub. There's a heat differential that plays into it. A dick is actually going to have more heat in it than a mouth (usually) so it actually feels kinda cool, not hot.

Without getting into a ton of boring, personal detail: This game really helped me through a shitty time in my life, and it forever has a spot in my heart because of it.

This thing has turned out to be about a million times more interesting than I thought it was at first.

...You know that's actually not a horrible idea? Kotaku Kouples or some kind of singles siAARGGGH ow just typing couples with a K caused one of my eyes to fly out of my head and now im spraying blood everywhere help

This seems to have been well-handled. I'm a bit surprised you guys bothered to respond to this at all given how short the internet's attention span is; I'm also not sure how bad the complaining about it was, though. Everything involved with Gawker Media seems to have some particularly tenacious trolls orbiting it.

Spending money on a game you've gotten a lot of time and enjoyment(?) out of is definitely not something to be ashamed of. I've actually gone out of my way to toss a couple bucks at developers for games I honestly don't play terribly much just because I liked the idea behind what they were doing. It's like...Karma,

So having burned through about 200 hours on the PC before getting pretty bored of it, and having no immediate significant others in my life who have any interest in the game (I've tried, believe me), you still think it's worth picking this version up?

I'll be doing it on my first playthrough. Absolutely.

Welp. I *had* gone all Demon Hunter back in the day, but after losing three of 'em for various reason (I'm one of those insane Hardcore Only players because fuck it) I made a Crusader.

I have two friends who've met this guy before any of this had gone down. He was described by one (who's in the MMA circuit) as "the stupidest, angriest man ever", "like a gorilla on steroids", and more recently by the other as "the single most retarded person I've ever met in my life". Even anecdotal reports about the

How do these guys get money? Is it donations? Is there some kind of grant? I just can't imagine being a professional hand-wringing moral outrage factory pays the bills.

My mom tried this on my brother and I when we were preteens and the internet was just just becoming a thing, though it was less of a "force your kids to call you" thing and more of a "force your kids to not be on the internet" thing, which is a fight that's largely been abandoned these days thankfully.

My god yes. I was so pumped to play this thing last night, and for the first 20 minutes or so I was on the edge of my seat cackling alternately with glee and terror. This is totally what Silent Hill needs to be again — it's not Silent Hill 2 but I'll take this over any of the more recent versions in a heartbeat. It

Good to hear. I suppose on the positive side, this has spurred Gawker to fix the system on a deeper level and harden the whole thing against trolling, which as a lot of people have pointed out it was kind of staggeringly open to.

I think the biggest plus side to all of this is that Microsoft is unlikely to pursue this strategy further. Nothing flags a tactic as "shitty idea" like a massive PR flameout. I expect them to go back to the well and think of a newer (hopefully better thought out) tactic to get Xbox One sales jumpstarted.

I figured it was because they're Pagan Min's guys he shipped up from Hong Kong. He basically had a private army there that got forced out, according to his Wiki Page:

I wound up enjoying Far Cry 3 a lot more than I was expecting to (50+ hours on my first playthrough and didn't even notice!) and everything Ubisoft is showing me makes me want this more. It looks like they've fixed the few complaints I had from Far Cry 3, too. More mission variety (although that could just be