
Mad that they cast a black guy AND complaining that Faye isn’t basically naked. Wow, you’re just full of shit takes huh? Are you going to tell us about Gamergate next?

Shut the fuck up.

“Its like a fucking law now or something, they just cant adapt something and leave ALL of it intact, AS IS.”

Anything that gets a Boomer all bent out of shape is good in my book

I’ve been living my whole life hearing about millennials being lazy, entitled, and sensitive. Ok Boomer has at least 20 more years before we are even.

As long as Boomers act exaggeratedly offended when they hear it, OK Boomer will live on.

Evangeline’s Costume Mansion, in Old Sacramento. LOVELY place. Has the typical halloween stuff, but also an excellent selection of hats, wigs, and random stuff.

Evangeline’s Costume Mansion, in Old Sacramento. LOVELY place. Has the typical halloween stuff, but also an

I’m thinking the plaintiff, whichever entity that might be, can use the “reasonable person” tact here. Does the reasonable person see Uber as a transportation company or a technology company?

So... if Uber shutdown the transportation part of their business, the technology part could just carry on?  No.

Cash the checks from Lyft first, shill. Looks like they don’t do right by their independent contractors, including people like you.

1. What the fuck are you talking about? 2. Fuck off.

WoW’s auction house has been taking a cut of all sales since at least 2005, potentially even from launch in 2004. I’m sure as you say there are even earlier examples from MMOs of an auction fee. While Fallout 76 certainly seems to have its issues, people complaining about Bethesda implementing a system other games

My Mom is a nurse and hated being forced to be in a union. She’d complain about it constantly. Now that she’s moved to a state without a nursing union she’s realized what she was getting.

Nice to see the comments already filled with people who don’t understand why unions are important or how workplace demos work and are instead already out here speaking nonsense.

To move foward you need to take one step at a time. It’s a process. You don’t win a battle at the first shot. Political organization has two purposes: concretly improving the living standards of people or accumulating forces necessary for larger scale transformation. This will embolden people to participate in future

Forced arbitration blatantly disregards due process and should be illegal.

And what’s your point, that you’ll only take their complaints seriously if they quit their job in protest? People have bills to pay and food to put on the table. It’s still a pretty damn bold action to publicly protest your employer in front of cameras knowing they could and might retaliate against you down the line

Actually, you do get to remove whatever you want on your own private website that you own. 

Context does matter, but you are picking and choosing what context matters to you. As it stands, white people wearing dark makeup to appear black is the continuation of a practice tied to the mocking of black people, and often enslaved Africans, in the US. That’s the context for this. More context for this, which a

Everyone opposed the Soviet Union, Republicans just tried to create the narrative that they were the only ones really opposed to it because they wanted to thought police American citizens.