
Definitely, for all those hotels the Obama family owns that military officials were staying at.

No, wrong, YT releases detailed research & white papers on how the neural network functions & the algorithmic & theory changes; approaches they take.

this viewpoint usually is accompanied by the belief youtube is somehow a neutral platform where ideas compete on the merits though, when it’s actually a massive market leader that’s set up an entire internal economy of incentives and rewards. and its decisions on which content to promote may be based on an algorithm,

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again-

They’re already “in line with” the rest of the industry – in that every single carrier does the absolute minimum required of them by law and the mandatory conditions of agreements they’ve signed. Jesus Christ, Verizon, all we expect is that you KEEP complying with the damn contract you entered into. Pretty pathetic

Why is talking about the reality of what Black women face anti-Black male? We are always told we’re being divisive when we talk about what’s going on. It’s a great way to silence us and nothing has to change. This has nothing to do with white people and what they want.

I am going to call bullshit with Manwich’s statement. Consent may be withdrawn at any time. And, even if that consent is not or can not be verbalized (be it through intimidation, inebriation or being drugged, etc)... and especially when our right to give/refuse consent is taken away. It is that denial of our rights,

To ruin the world for all of the assholes who see people enjoying the freedom to live their lives in peace and ask ,”But Why?”

The event in Chicago sold out in six minutes. They sold tens of thousands of tickets in 6 minutes. People are traveling from around the country and world to attend. So I’m sure there’s still quite a few people that will be playing on Saturday around the world.

Has anyone ever found a launcher that was worth the giant pain in the ass?

The New Movement Starts Now

This morning, many Americans woke up fearful, wondering what comes next. The only possible answer: four years of

Shouldn’t we be paying attention to the fact that he can draw back the bow, and aim it while the arrow holds the mass of a grown man?

So i think this is stupid now, because there is only 1 apple watch model out. But if you never sell your watch, and you upgrade, and buy a new one, then you’ll have two, and so on.

I am not going to say that android hasn’t had many, many features for year but what apple has done android has never been able to do. It has sold a product to the masses, and when I say the masses what I mean is more than the power user or the tech geek but the young, the middle aged, the old who this kind of tech

And I’m not debating that. Just that the comments on these articles are so predictable I could... set my watch to them.

Cue comments about Android Wear having had this for years in 3...2...1...

A new, different (albeit similar) is still an advancement in technology. Not all discoveries are massive and revolutionary. Sometimes the smallest tweaks make the biggest differences.

Tell it to the children that spent the rest of their lives with polio.

And when something happens, people will say “Government not doing job, thanks Obama.”

To further that point with a specific example, I bought a copy of Mother 3, a video game that Nintendo has never decided was worth their time to release in the US, or in English, and then I downloaded a ROM of the game, and applied a fan translation patch to it so that I could actually be able to play the game that I