
Great baseball video, but can everyone take it down a notch with the use of SAVAGE. Randy would not be amused.

Mine is 6 months old. Not many options for AWD and manual transmission these days. I like it a lot.

While still slow - paired with a manual transmission makes this a solid choice.

Now playing

Certainly not Doc’s first time going off. My favorite.

But seriously, how many transmissions does one run through getting a 1993 Tempo to reach 210,000? More than you can count on one hand, I bet.

This is the truth. No jokes. No sarcasm. It’s tough because they want to see your personality to see if you are a good fit but it can quickly lead you into trouble. Avoid small talk.

Today was day 19 for me on Headspace. I need all the help I can get building good habits and I think I’m getting a lot out of it so far. Unfortunately, I don’t seem to need any help building bad habits though.

Boston too high.

Every 6 months. Once in Feb and once in August and I usually feel terrible about myself for the 3 to 5 weeks that follow.

I wanted to join the Planet Fitness near my house but they only allow payment directly pulling from a checking account. That was enough for me to walk across the street and join Crunch for the same monthly fee $10 but slightly higher initiation. Seems too risky for me to provide a company like that access to pull cash