
How can you talk about "Dance Moms" without addressing the real star of the show: Vivi-Anne?!?!?!

Bachelorette parties will forever have a special place in my heart. The first time I ever went to a real club (alone and with a male friend), this guy kept creeping over and grinding on me, uninvited. I wasn't yet the elbow-throwing feminist menace I am today, so I didn't know what to do other than sort of awkwardly

People who call drug addicts terrible people because of their addiction, are terrible people.

bless your heart

A prairie dog, right? Or something similar? Is a woodchuck a squirrel?

"Hello Russell, this is Al Pacino, SHA MOH NAH"

You know, there are times that I joke that some people should be sterilized because they would be awful parents, but for this to actually be part of the law, where people can be coerced into sterilization or forcibly sterilized just sickens me. I know that women in the California penal system have had to deal with

They don't like it when their monopoly on deciding the value of other humans is taken from them. They hate it when women admire other women, they hate it when we admire ourselves. Deciding who matters is core to their identity, and when that is taken away, they feel disempowered. For your average loser dude, being

Men just hate that Women can have a worth- any worth- when they are not conventionally attractive. MY god! A woman who isn't pretty doing something! I MUST PROTEST THIS.

Haven't you studied history? Everyone knows that women historically spent all their time in the kitchen. Why, just look at this example I found from an animated documentary:

I cannot for the life of me remember the context of the situation but I do remember someone (presumably in a position of such authority to feel that they could tell me when I could and couldn't go to the bathroom) telling me that I couldn't leave wherever I was because I was menstruating, I think my line, whist

It's not worth it. For years I only bought from women because I was sick of male dealers creeping on me. Buying weed is a business transaction. I give you money. You give me weed. I'm not your buddy. I'm your customer, and if you want me to remain your customer, you'll stop insinuating that I can get a really good

our little loves baking. Any time he hears the mixer he comes running "I watch?" I'll have to make more when he comes home Monday.

ok, i'm SO sorry that my post isn't in any way related to this but I HAD to share it. So this woman got banned for posting THIS picture on Instagram for her visual rhetoric project :

If there's one thing I sorta know, it's old episodes of the Simpsons.

I'm so happy this is real.

It looks like the dino is yelling at him like "GOD DAMMIT YOU'RE STILL NOT GAY ENOUGH!!!"

it is not delicious it is groce

the movement reminds me of the "snake board " from back in the 90s

Under a city bus.