
Yup and that bolt of energy is just a little pocket of superheated “blaster gas” or plasma.

Go look at the retirement “second life” communities in Florida and Arizona.

I am mad about a continuation of the “Safety Last” mentalities in deploying untested/unsafe products into market and slapping “Beta” on it as if governing bodies should just be hands off.

Douchdotes (Douche Anecdotes) also should be suspect as well. “Feelings of Safety” =/= Actual safety.

No I am mad about a study that was done with 0 regard for the main question vs. people’s feelings of safety.
Is Autopilot more safe than attentive driver?  We don’t know and Telsa won’t tell use, even after FOIA requests.

Totally serious. Even in Boston I have seen my fair share of Telsas with people behind the wheel doing things other than driving. It’s not too much of a logical leap for people to use Autopilot as a DD.

I am going to say it.

Well don’t forget the corporate handouts they also receive in tax breaks and exploiting stabilization efforts.

Sloppy Mechanics have really helped the “Butt ugly fast car” democraphics:

I was going to ask what a junker SRT4 A855 Engine ran for and holy hell is that cheap!

Hey don’t kinkshame, some people are into despicable acts.

Nope laughed into the mic while in a digital meeting.

Literally laughed out loud.

Lets be clear hear, there is a lot of ink and blood spilt on the right way of addressing the religious Elephant, Lamb, and Goat in the room.

Ok so semantics time!

Don’t forget the terrifying amount of “Revenge Porn” on image boards...

Its not kink shaming if they are violating all the rules of kink:
- Don’t involve someone in your kink without their consent
- Your kink can’t break the law, otherwise its just criminal
- Don’t be an asshole to other people. (Unless they are into that)

YES! Its not enough but that plus more User data collection on upload would facilitate prosecution.

It also would mean that the uploader has explicitly committed wire fraud which makes it a Federal Offense.