The article clearly articulates that there had been a history with this customer and the staff member.
Specifically that the team member used her past behavior as a reason for denying her access.
The article clearly articulates that there had been a history with this customer and the staff member.
Specifically that the team member used her past behavior as a reason for denying her access.
So unfortunately this is very hard because electricity prices vary wildly.
The best “cars for clunkers” would be a tax credit on donated or surrendered cars with a 2/household max.
Yes and no, some pumps have the capacity to be bypassed so the energy can get out after using manual local generation (I am not kidding you can run a diesel/gas generator to run the pumps.
Yeah its just their neighbors and the permitting office they fly double birds at.
The fact that they had $1,000,000 in cash on hand really shows the power of “Monetary Osmosis” aka if you have lots of money it just leaks away from you.
I mean a no harassment and restraining order are both things you can apply for (no harassment is very easy to get).
Desperate to have content about tesla that’s not about a key component of their car shatting the bed and potentially resulting in Odometer fraud?
Also doing your damn job correctly doesn’t make you a good person. Since when did we adopt the boomerism of “If you can’t prove I was bad, I am a good person” bullpoo?
Its similar to the sludge problem in old VW’s in that its a situation where the repair is expensive, not quick and ultimately the result of a bad choice in design without proper long duration testing.
Once the chip is fatigued to that point i am not sure it can be fixed. You are talking about ameliorating the problem by reducing the wear time. But with cars going 10+ years on the road the piece will eventually have to be repaired/replaced.
Not sure if you realize it but you could punish them more brutally by making them work the floor in their “temporary space” where OSHA doesn’t exist and people with work place injuries are sent home with Ibuprofen and an UBER.
Doesn’t McCauly Caulkin play in a band?
Yup, the other shoe was dropped on him as a child, not about him.
You are clearly missing the very NYC part of the hustle: have a romantic partner that pays your part of the rent and comes from a more financially privileged position.
Also “Public Service” is pretty damn broad. All those conservative think tank and “Legal Training Orgs” are considered Public Service as well.
IIRC IBR forgiveness tax bomb is still real.
My parents paid for my college education, so I didn’t have debt. The dating market told me that it was 100% normal to have student loans though.
When I met my wife the first thing we worked on (after the “romantically compatible part”) was a financial rehab for her.
I mean that will help with popularizing the MPG of the F350+ sized vehicles but the problem in the article mostly addresses vehicles like SUV’s and light trucks.