
I just had a rant about this at lunch yesterday!

Counterpoint: Removing regenerative capacity may have freed up a large amount of weight and prevented scenarios where electrical system would have to go from supplying power to the wheels to receiving it.  Complexity is usually minimized when trying to aggressively attack a problem.

Which means he should be not stone cold stupid about having anything that could be misrepresented poorly.

Yeah but its a bad look. Just like Our current Flotus picking a jacket saying “I DON’T CARE” after a world wide “outreach” trip.

And now he took his ball and went home because as a multi-million per year earner he doesn’t have the personal fortitude to donate to a cause unless everyone agrees he’s a saint.

You mean after his FIver debacle?

And yet... he undermines it by failing to admit his own failings in courting the movement and using their language.

Yeah but its pretty single directional, its very easy for him to say “This is what I am about, and this isn’t what I am about.”
He has intentionally not done that. He gives it room to live, grow and play.

My wife also has a very very soft spot for these burgers and they feel like the gateway to marital bliss.

That is a seriously dirty job. I only tarred roofs for a summer but I did not look forward to the staining it would do to your skin or the petro smell I had for days.

Totally agree!! I was retarring a roof in my youth and it really hit me how “silly” it is that we put these huge swaths of black on top of our houses and then put in air conditioning.  I am curious what the impact of just using silvered “tar” on roofs for their heating/cooling.

Yeah generation optimization is an interesting scenario. Really big difference between “value” of solar power when generation is already tailing off vs. when “Auxiliary Generation” has to be brought on line or if power has to be “piped” in from outside the regional grid.

Oh cool! Yeah you can totally side exhaust Nat Gas (Which is another reason its so much better than oil. Thanks for the clarification!

OH that’s more of an oil thing. Oil furnace’s exhaust is MUCH MUCH hotter than natural gas exhaust. So either you need to cool it (to recover maximum BTU’s from the system) through a secondary heat exchanger. Or you need a really well thermally insulated chimney so you don’t catch your house on fire.

My friend’s issues with his is the reason I looked for something bigger. The 5's suspension isn’t really reinforced enough to accomodate 4 large American folk and their stuff.

Not with that roof-style/piping. No heavy duty metal oil chimney. Dude replied saying its gas so that’s likely the plastic pipe in the foreground.

Well again, better to have fewer dollars having to pay the producer and congrats thats an awesome situation to be in.

Yup totally agree. Some people won the lottery having clear southern facing flat roofs and others with a traditional East/West facing are up the crick.
You are definitely dead on that commercial/industrial generation is a bigger player, which is why this whole SolarCity lawsuit is very interesting to me.

Two weeks in, very very happy.

You can also Drive an R8 that you bought for much less than the $134k asking price and not have to worry about the cost.