
As someone who passed on the Mazda5 to get a CX-5 purely based on the fact that the Mazda5's suspension was hung a bit low and was the weak link.
I would love if they made a Mazda5 with the new tech (looking at the Mazda3's new tech.)

Yeah but solar on houses produces power where it is consumed and lowers distribution loading especially on those hot sunny days.

I trust you heat with NatGas?

In Connecticut I missed out on a “Legs and Eggs” breakfast buffet at the strip club across from the Alpine Inn.
I say missed out only because I was there the day after legs and egg closed for healthcode violations.

Did you just Warf Hulk in a point about Goku’ing someone?

Well when “No Child Left Behind” and “School Choice” started becoming code words for education funding fingers in the dams.. The writing was on the wall.  Same too with the reduction in Federal College Funding.

If a feature exists and the users don’t use it, its on the user. 

If you kid jailbreaks their phone and you don’t find out...well that’s on you.
iOS has a tool to show you which accounts are active.

Here’s a secret about apps:
Both Android and Apply have configurations that allow you to observe what apps are installed/deleted from devices based on account settings.

1) Pay phones have went extinct, so dropping your kids at the movies(or arcade, mall, roller ring, etc) and having them call you to get picked up when done requires a phone

Just bought one, my wife (all of 4'11.5") fits nicely.  It has enough go and is reasonably small by most standards.

Pornhub is also the company that shook down performers by pointing out they can accept pennies in royalties or PH would just continue to pirate their content and pay off content owners.
They literally were “dumping” the actor/actresses content as a devaluation tactic in contract negotiations.  Using pirated and stolen

Jameson never made millions being in front of the camera, her money came from the side impact gigs.
I guarantee you she got paid more for doing a “Strip club show” than any single scene in a movie. The fact that she has millions now is that she controls the revenue from her name vs. the producer/directors of her

You’ve heard of false memories and collective delusions right?
Imagine you are a traumatized survivor of a horrific event. Now there are people claiming “I heard two explosions”. They look at you expectantly...they need a reason why all their friends are dead.

Also the two survivor definitely had some form of CTE.  They were notionally thrown clear by the blast but the overpressure alone likely gave them concussions.

I mean its literally a culture that would rather make their best pilots avenues of suicide attack than accept that they have lost air superiority.

THe ‘damage’ wasn’t specifically the MPG but rather limitations on how fast the engines could rev.  IIRC updated cars experienced 0-60 times slowed by more than a second.

Shittin in one hand and hoping in the other usually just leaves you one empty hand and another full of shit.

This is just a long drawn out example of “X dollars put away over Y days sums to Z dollars.”

Think about it this way, money usually effects spending pressure on people. The more they have the more they rationalize spending it. For these people they just get to a certain point ($3-15k dollars) and each time they get

#citationneeded. I followed the articles links and they seem to ascribe a “semi-progressive but sharply libertarian” take on the current events.