
Augustus Hill was a bomb narrator well after his passing.


Want to know what else is shitty?
Brigading someone because you wanted to use their dumb statement to not only reassert your message but turn an incised mob on them.

Ummmm but he’s done the “LOOK AT ME I AM PROGRESSIVE BUT OFFENDED WHITE DUDE” circuit.
His podcast leans libertarian with a very non-leftist point. What makes him Liberal? That he doesn’t identify as R?

The counterargument to me is that there conditions where cruise control can assert a baked in “Safe Speed” where if you weren’t using cruise control you would have naturally slowed down already.
Basically we are talking differences in the speed at which you enter an emergency situation. That said different people are

Its probably the most efficient manner yet of voiding a warranty through electronic proof.

Its a pretty ring but its a garbage engagement ring. Engagement rings are “always on” jewelry (now obviously no one makes you wear it but as a concept they are supposed to be worn the most of any jewelry)
Getting a statement piece as an engagement ring feels about as tacky as getting a Christmas Car.

Is that a thing?  I mean... it feels very “MODERN” but also a very clear “WEALTH SIGNALING IN A SPACE THAT IT ISN’T REQUIRED”

If more than 50,000 people show up in the nevada desert the death count would automatically be a dozen or more simply from native fauna and weather.

I presume the context is (and from readings of the case) is that its trying to cut through the nihilist and meanspirited dark humor that pervades the current ethos.
Just as how nihilism is now hip and meme’s about waiting for death are currently So Hot.... right now looking at that in context with her statements might

Except.... Mega, The Pirate Bay, Backpage, Google, and Bing all successfully had criminal action initiated by US law enforcement against them.

Its funny how people will overlook their morals and ethics if it lines their pockets....

Yeah its 100% unfair to compare a tank of the line to a strategic anti-aircraft gun retasked and tooled to fit into the largest armored vehicle of the time (Tigers and King Tigers were absolutely V-weapons for their sheer economic impracticality).

How horrific an abuse does it have to be for a company to interact with Google +?

You mean that the “average price of a car” has been stable? My understanding was that the median new car price was rising faster than inflation corrected for real wages.

You wear the mask long enough you become the mask.  Ask Pewds, or any political talking head.

Except he rolled it into his character by having his wife onstream with the whole knife thing.  Up till that point I thought he had a chance to manage both facets, but he leaned into the character and thats that.

Youtube has a form of streaming but its more like RC Cola to Coke.

Yeah I mean as media organizations youtube and twitch love to play hands off with actually being adults and dealing with violations of TSOL seriously.
But hey, its the internet era, no one is actually an adult or culpable.

People don’t understand that Thermoclines aren’t just a lake/ocean thing.