
Well that’s fair, but you aren’t captain of an aircraft with souls aboard I hope. US Pilots are subjected to mental health screening:

That is a very good take, there is a reason hollywood has laws about child labor and ultimately much like how an actor isn’t in charge of the script. Gaten’s being used for his name in what is clearly an attempt to recapture the youtube “ITS A PRANK BRO!!!!” market.

I am really hoping this is a case of “walking off to find self” returns later.

Except if your entire platform for highest office is an excercise in “I agree completely on the moral implications but have beef with payment” It makes you a narrow “protest candidate” with a shelf-life.

There is no way Don Jr. turned his twitter game around so well.  Someone hired a social media manager.

I mean I agree with you, you folks have enough problems without Carol and John trying to find a place to get a hamburger.

But if you leave the title blank or they convince you to sign it over with plates than you can be on the hook.
Also your point about “pricing the car right” implies perfectly efficient markets which don’t exist.

Look I bring my own baggage as a man into this but 15 minutes sounds more like a male fantasy than what women dream of. Especially since I haven’t seen the film.
I do however have a shiny sacagawea dollar that says its that porny aggressive kind and not the gentle kind that could be possible for 1/4 of an hour.

Also citation needed on cheaper. We have no idea how much it cost to actually build the tunnel soup to nuts and we don’t know what kind of stability to expect from it long term.

Nothing about this project is transparent so any kind of “cheaper” or “better” valuation is muddied by not knowing what they went through.

That’s fair, its still not an endorsement of adult leadership to do that kind of reversal vs. just re-evaluating that situation one time.

I didn’t say it wasn’t slashed I am saying they until recently had a ridiculous bounty program that was costing them millions only to cut it, take heat and then reintroduce it.

Its definitely an astroturf propaganda site at this point.  Everything is shiny and wonderful at all times and they are keeping their quota of intentionally misleading click-bait.

Don’t forget that after years of paying out six figure “referral bonuses” they only recently stopped that, only to reintroduce it weeks later.

I didn’t say it did, I said Andrew just jumped straight to the ST, and GTI and Veloster.
There is an intermediary level between the $25k Focus ST and the $27K GTI and the base ass Civic, Focus and GTI.

In that middlespace the Hatchback Sport 1.5T is the best value for what you are getting (obvs a Hyundai Sport with

I think its a filter effect. With that much privilege if they were halfway competent everyone would call them “Smart and capable” however since the entire family has been whiffing their way through life but buoyed by white rich welfare (privilege and being rich is the best safety net) they get their second, third and

Except the presumes the 180 HP 168 LB*FT motor doesn’t exist anymore. The Civic Hatchback Sport still exists and has the 1.5T (Which Andrew totally ignores but whatever.) meaning:
- You are jumping up a segment level. The Si competes (notionally) with the Focus ST, GTI and Veloster.
- This would compete with the base

Go to a Lovecraft Meetup, find fish people, live happily ever after.

Because no one is going to find out your so basic and then drag your ass behind a truck playing Country Roads take me home.

If you haven’t been there it’s hard to describe. Tinder you at least aren’t pot committed to meeting people and you get multiple chances at crafting your message.