Malebranche of Malebolge

If she’s this thirsty now while she actually IS a senator, look out for some seriously desperate attempts at validation when she goes back to being a colorfully dressed nobody.

I’m sure it’ll be out of the grays soon enough, but I’m not gonna be the one to do it. I hate to break it to you, but whatever minority is being affected by the current bullshit are Americans. If someone goes after trans people, disabled people, gay people, women, etc, it might be a distraction to you but I assure you

Luckily 3 generations is just a blink of an eye for hicks like these

Why does this matter?

And of course even if McCarthy survives this the second he works with the Democrats on must pass legislation - or any legislation that doesn’t include something about the border or Hunter Biden’s laptop - one of the knuckleheads on the far right will initiate a vote to oust him as Speaker. And then the circus will

This is just astonishing. Like somehow it is a worse dragging through the mud than I expected. At this point I don’t even see how McCarthy could function as the Speaker as he would have basically ceded all power to a vocal minority of the Republicans. Also Jesus Christ it must be infuriating for the ‘moderate’

Ted is hiding his thumbs which 100% means he feels threatened. Classic blobfish behavior.

He is not an engineer, he is a flim-flam man.

The first time I’ve ever wanted Jones to get what he wanted.

I’m not reading anything until I catch up, but I gotta sing the praises of this show. Finally a Star Wars story that is not based on nostalgia, that justifies itself by itself as opposed to in reference to something else, is specifically for grown ups (not that older kids can’t get it but, you know, not marketed to

Not the hero the right wants, but the one they deserve. Also the one they want.

Isn’t “F*ck it, I’ll Kill Us All!” the Republican party platform these days?

“If you could read minds, you wouldn't game at all" wow so insightful

You should comment less.

It’s telling what you pulled out of the article. Another take: he was wasted, poured a beer on her head, then aggressively made a move at one of their kids? She jumped on him, they scuffled, and sustained injuries. Then he ... started punching the plane? But sure, known muscle-dude Pitt must’ve been fucking terrified

if only there was an article beneath the headline that could elucidate this for you

It’s also full of assholes.

I lived there for a number of years. If you’re capable of reading this sentence, you do not want to live there. 

Musk not giving people credit for anything he shows off is exactly the reason why his army of Weird Nerds think that he singlehandedly invented Rockets, Space Travel, Electric Cars, and the entire concept of Engineering.

It is not a secret that the right make “free speech” a very ambiguous concept, applying it when they want, and making it more ambiguous when it’s convenient to them. The point of this article is about how people with power exploit this. Throw money at the situation, buy an NDA, then start spinning the story to their

1. I have seen lots of people say “it’s just is joke.” 2. It’s not re-hashed for me because I never knew this happened and decided to have an opinion. 4. I do take Amber Heard’s side 3. You don’t know people’s outside lives by single comment they made online. I do get involved in my local community. I read an article