Malebranche of Malebolge

As a 36 year old grandmother, she should know better.

This is not anything new. It was the same with Obama. He was masterminding the US’s downfall, but was effeminate and weak. And this whole Sleepy Joe as communist infiltrator and election stealer is old news as well.

Im kink shaming you, right now >.>

It’s those Northern elites. They’re the reason life is so hard for blue collar working class Southerners. Not Republicans in red states who gut assistance programs and vote down infrastructure bills, or turn a blind eye to megacorps who silence labor movements or offshore jobs abroad and incorporate out of the Cayman

“For those that don’t know what the + is for, it’s for MAP (Minor Attracted Person aka: pedophile.).”

Conservatives are by-and-large deeply stupid people. Profoundly stupid. Satire requires a kind of content literacy most of them lack — I don’t just mean the ability to read (though there’s that too) but the ability to consume information, think critically, place things in the context of reality, and so forth. It’s

Please don’t assume that Bobo’s dad is hiding in shame and embarrassment. He could have died in an ATV accident or meth lab explosion.

“The man who wants to the next leader of the free world has never fucked.” Now there’s a bold fresh platform to run on.

if it were me, I'd just forget the debt if I got to drive a fucking hatchet into his fucking mullet wig. 

Nothing screams MAGA louder than a pile of empties around the couch and a negligent discharge hole in the ceiling.

She’s a 36-year-old divorced grandma lecturing the rest of us on family values.

“...she was proud of Jayson, because he “needed the alcohol and anger management classes that came with the plea deal.”

You’re a real bummer and it’s starting to affect my sex life. Anytime I’m laying pipe in your dad he always says something like, “I’m really worried about Sam, maybe you can talk to him.” I get it, you’re an embarrassment to your family and everyone you’ve ever met, but maybe it’s time to just end the whole thing. You

I can tell you how it’s gonna go. It’s gonna go to the courts where it’ll get bogged down in endless legalese, until DeSantis gets termed out and fucks off, and whoever his replacement is quietly drops the matter entirely.

The leopards who bite faces will not give her a pass no matter how much she may think they’re going to.

This. Even before he showed up here, I had the thought, that as a being who can go anywhere in time and space, he’s dead, but also not dead, Schroeder’s Q. The Q that died could have been older than the universe, and the one that Jack meets is much younger, and given the nature of the Q, he knows all about what will

Well, the easy answer was that he was never really dying, and just trying to help Picard work through things. The other easy answer: Q’s always been a liar. Why stop now?

It’s hard to care much about which hot young person is currently porking which, though I know it’s an incredibly popular pastime for many people. But what I will say is “Cole Sprouse” is the most punchable name I’ve ever heard for a human being. It’s like something out of a Dickens novel. There’s just no way you can

Thought Peter Thiel died for a second. Damn.