
Hey, Shelley was married. He just wasn’t married to Mary yet.

You can also use that when the mag puts out their “Opioid Epidemic” issue.

It’s not new, it’s cyclical. Things get start to get kinky and its fun until someone loses an eye (?) then it gets conservative again. Timing and your own personality is everything: If you’re a party type living in a conservative era things seem bleak and vice versa. Ted talk over ...

Well, if he calls someone a “gunsel,” that’s actually slang for a...well, look it up. Dashell Hammett famously used the word in The Maltese Falcon because his editor told him not to use any swear words. The moral of the story: don’t tell Dashell Hammett not to use swear words or he will use obscure slang to call

Ditto. And a special shout-out to Nicolas Cage.  While Spider-Noir didn't have all that many lines, every single one was a perfect gem. 

You put it perfectly! For years I’ve been trying to get across to my daughter what it felt like growing up as a comics-obsessed kid - and though she has her own modern comic favourites she’s only been into Spider-Man with Tom Holland’s version, and shrugged off any attempts by me to get her reading any of the modern


Sweet, I’ve been looking forward to it!  I see it has a 99% rotten tomato score so far too.

Comment/username synergy at it’s finest 

Its an explanation that’s a bit more recent. Not an original part of the character. I haven’t been following comics as heavily as I used to and Captain Marvel wasn’t nearly as popular when I did. But I think that started in the 90's and like a lot of Carol Danvers stuff it’s been in and out. Sometimes central,

I’m getting the feeling that this is going to be one of those situations where she only realizes the full extent of her powers towards the end of the movie. In the comics Carol really doesn’t have limitations on the lower end of her powers. On the higher end, she can get stronger and stronger the more energy she

Or ant man not being able to take in enough oxygen when he becomes giant man. Makes it so our heroes aren't superman invincible 

I think broken powerful is kind of the idea. A lot of time the character is treated as Marvel’s non-union equivalent of Superman. And there’s a lot of taking that to its natural conclusion by basically depicting her as the most powerful thing going. Like straight up planet destroying, time eradicating over the top. Whi

This comment does a pretty horrible job of encapsulating any reality of the article.

What you did there... I Cthaw it.

Well, I’m glad the filmmakers did a krakenjack job.

Give me a scene with Romanov and The Cavalry fighting back to back, and I’ll be able to die a happy geek.

I really wanna see Quake do her thing on the big screen with big screen money thrown at her special effects. More so than any Black Widow movie.