That was extremely rude of him to put you in that position.
That was extremely rude of him to put you in that position.
I can see how one’s creative powers could be momentarily stumped by that incomprehensible monster dong-clam.
I refused to believe this and Googled it for myself. I apologize for not believing you.
We also have a local fish called the Sarcastic Fringehead.
Another poster has informed me of this and now I am beginning to suspect you guys are messing with my head.
Yeah, my first thought was juvenile. But my second thought was a juvenile.
Did you know scallops can swim??
Nah. The number of people whose day this will make and draw hope from it, outnumber the old white fucks who would have been opposed to DeVos, but now that all those thug children have been so beastly rude to her, well, say what you will about her but at least she’s polite. The optics are irrelevant to actual…
I have to think that they knew this would happen when they invited her, and the burgeoning conspiracy theorist in me thinks it’s exactly what they wanted. The more pertinent question is why would she agree to do it? The reason, of course, is because she’s a fucking imbecile.
A New York Times columnistAlmost certainly Bret Stephens tomorrow, probably.
Part of me wonders if it wasn’t to give her exactly the response she got here. “Someone has to boo this vapid idiot, might as well be us!”
Luckily, they all got an extra hour in the ballpit.
Don’t forget that she saw the cute musician guy who beckoned her with his hotness and social awareness. Because millenials only do things that are fun and sexy!
Insincere in its context. If they’d been heartfelt, if there had been some genuine feeling or message beyond soulless shilling, they might not have taken it so hard in the teeth.
Lol. I appreciated your breakdown. “her weirdly invested friends cheer their approval because the Attractive People are totally gonna bone later.” Wouldn’t it be amazing if in real life people cheered everytime they knew people were going to bone later?
I kind of love it too. Mostly as a case study in committee advertising. Can you imagine the conversations that led up to this ad... lol.
Watching with sound won’t change the meaning, but will make it more infuriating. It’s “Lions” by Skip Marley, which would be a fine protest song on it’s own, but in the context of the shallow insincerity of the visuals only drags it further down.
And did you notice the “join the conversation” protest sign? Who the fuck talks like that outside of social media marketing? It’s beyond tone-deaf.
It has no violence or sex...
Imagine that you meet a very old man who you eventually realize knows literally everything.