Sort of, yeah! Except you don’t have to wash off tornado or worry about the tornado on your clothing giving you radiation sickness.
Sort of, yeah! Except you don’t have to wash off tornado or worry about the tornado on your clothing giving you radiation sickness.
Sorry, I meant to imply that ‘you just get back up’ after you’ve murdered the dog. Should have been more clear.
Good thing I already ate my lunch. Thanks for the images, broseph.
Unless you just get back up.
Freedom of speech is the freedom to say what he wants without getting persecuted by his GOVERNMENT for doing so. It has nothing to do with private reprisals and it does not absolve him of all CONSEQUENCES of his actions and words.
We Are The Normal was the reason I started listening to The Goo Goo Dolls. Iris was the reason I quit listening to the Goo Goo Dolls.
Don’t try and kinkshame Jabba.
TRUTH. Babies are adorable. I don’t even mind if they are deeply unhappy babies crying because their tiny ears are popping. They are babies, and they are just doing their Baby Thang. Loud dudes, however, can eat a bag of unsalted dicks. Y’all hoes are obnoxious, and the worst.
Hot take: Loud dudes (they don’t even have to be drunk) are by far worse than babies on a plane.
let me tell you, it’s fucking nuts
As a sailor, it’s funny to see that called out directly in the article. I did 4hrs on 4hrs off for 21 days on a sailing trip across the Atlantic. I definitely got used to it, but found that each 4 hour on period was like a mini day - wake up sleepy, food and coffee and feel wide awake, work my shift like normal, eat…
All I know is, anyone who puts on a scary clown outfit nowadays had some pretty big shoes to fill.
I read the title as Portal 2 and got all excited for a minute.
Is it bad that I opened this article, excited for there to be new content for Portal 2 ?
Running in the zoo seems like a good choice. It’ll sure as shit make everyone who sees you think “What the fuck are they running from?”
Conan, Ice Cube and Kevin Hart are some seriously funny dudes. Put them together in a car with a student driver, and…
actually two things that would rest heavily on you
I thought his motivation was “I took a drug that made me completely batshit insane.”
I would argue it’s one in the same. Which is the point I believe they’re trying to make too. He can only be that guy, because he was that guy. Yes, even fundamentally core belief-wise.