
Glad they’re not thinking about the next iteration of Wolverine or anything else connected to Logan. It was a great film, and although X-23 was fantastic, letting it lie where it is - no continuing that timeline, no ridiculous time-travel just to continue her in another timeline - helped make the film a lot more

X-force would be a good chance to redeem Psylocke.

Wolverine isn’t a leader, and I would much prefer X-23 time travel back to the days of X-men and be part of the main films and completely replace Logan.

Maybe for the X-Force universe, they can have a somewhat grown X-23 (or even the same actress) travel back in time with Cable, allowing her to interact with Deadpool and some other mutants and fill in for Wolverine, so they don’t have to re-cast him so soon.

Yes, and I *love* the descriptions DeHaven uses for his powers. Makes them feel so real.

I’m still trying to figure out how Caitlin having ice powers means she’s automatically evil. They’re acting like the powers immediately give her an alternate personality, which is...weird.

HR has been fun.
It is a bit too grimdark with the whole Killer frost unexplained anger issues and Barry killing Cisco’s brother for manufactured drama. But some has been fine.

Sigh, I miss Patty.

How about we make Black Panther white? Because that would still be less offensive that what you’re suggesting.

It’s called a flexible timeline, and Magneto in particular is an Omega mutant and they age slower.

The main argument against that would be the fact that everyone gave it a chance when Cap was turned into Hydra, and the mind blowing explanation has yet to materialize.

At least with Captain America you can say he was frozen until just recently. So he has a good excuse for still being young.

Go fuck yourself with something sharp and rusty. Every single poster on here is expressing an opinion. If your wittle fees fees are hurt because the “in my opinion” clause isn’t in every post, then go cry in the corner and leave the rest of us alone.

So Magneto isn’t a Nazi, he’s just working with Nazi sympathizers?

You can’t really avoid the fact that comic book superheroes were basically invented by Jewish-Americans. And despite their hotheaded vigilantism in their early days, they were molded into something that represents “American values,” ie truth, justice, and fairness. So I will laugh my ass off when people scream that

Only in the sense that he was created by a couple Jewish guys at a time when Nazi Germany was NOT unpopular in the US, so the cover of him punching Hitler was controversial for its time.

I don’t think you understand how fiction works.

Like maaaaybe think about these kinda things and approach them a bit more cautiously in future Marvel. Especially during a time when actual real life Nazis and anti-semitism are on the rise in the world.