
Cant snort blow off yellow spandex.

It’s definitely photoshoppery. That’s a Neapolitan Mastiff — they’re big, but not THAT big. Males are about 30" tall at the withers (between the shoulders). Great Danes are typically bigger. That dog, if the photo is real, is at least 40" at the withers, and that’s assuming the woman is on the short end of the

Cast a real dog or GTFO

you take your sane and logical arguments away from the anti-hype nerd train right now, young man!

I figured it was Ghost Rider and they just had trouble depicting a skull that was both on fire and covered with symbiotic goo at the same time.

... the very, very long line of people suggested to play Cable in this movie.”

This should be a web series: “Diggle reacts to seeing Metahumans”

Considering the number of parents who brought kids to see Deadpool, I think taking the extra step to call this one out is fair.

Can u imagine if they just showed a rerun of Glee?

Oh i had the inciling that it was MoonKnight with all the personalities but it doesnt look like him at all. That’d be cool ifthey did give them heads to talk and bicker

I thought the tongue one might be Ghost Rider

my first thought it was Legion or some other schizo telepath

That’s Ghost Rider, but I like where you went with it.

Remember when a 5-part thing was just called a “mini-series”?

I just re-watched Civil War (Netflix has it!) There’s usually an edgy hot take in the comments that Marvel panders with comedy and silliness instead of taking on the Snyderverse’s dark complexity. There are lots of laugh moments in Civil War but they’re earned by having established the characters so well. But comedy?

Have the Luke Cage Season 2 show be Luke/Danny and replace Iron Fist Season 2 with Misty/Colleen for a season.

It’s probably not fully rendered, but that’s the technique.

It’s mostly wire work on a greenscreen. The environment and his flowing hair is cg (much like the method for zero g hair on The Expanse.) They realized after the bit in BvS and some test shooting, that working in actual water would be too diffiult.

with no end to the Marvel or Star Wars train in sight

It wasn’t after Suicide Squad?