
The comics Hawkeye outfit they should have gone with:

What! There is no smiling in the Snyderverse!

That smirk when she was fighting Doomsday?

Now playing

Yeah, she’s been pretty cool all around. And the first couple minutes of this video are alright. But if you want to just be flattened, at about 2:15 she becomes about the most endearing person ever. Check out how distracted she is by the pic of her daughter on the monitor.

Knives Chau > Ramona Flowers

He can work them.

Superman is flying dangerously close to these people. Just sayin’.

Guest Room.

Hah I was watching some crime show set in NYC and the detectives are investigating a woman who jumped from a bridge. The Colorado Street bridge, in Pasadena, CA, and she fell into the Arroyo Seco. I mean, I suppose it’s accurate in that that particular bridge was popular for suicides.

I think the most obvious one is that magical filter that makes anyone from NYC automatically live in a beautiful, spacious midtown Manhattan apartment with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a terrace view. (Also, often the view they show is impossible from any residential building.)

I live in South Pasadena. Which has never, as far as I know, been a part of movie. However, it is a city inside the greater Los Angeles County — which movies almost completely don’t realize is a thing. Los Angeles is always a city to them, not also a county that contains dozens and dozens of smaller cities

It’s already happened.

Ryan just loves playing that character, and the World is better for it.

Amy Acker and Michael Emerson are national treasures.

You’re mixed up there; he writes about ghosts.

She should have pepper sprayed his eyes out and been like, “What? I’m being Amanda Waller, you fucking baby.”

1) Melissa Benoist.

Something about this seems familiar.......