
IMO they missed a chance there. If you have an actor who has an uncanny resemblance to an existing character, in a universe where some races are significantly longer-lived, they should have made her Troi. Hell, make the fact that she’s half human part of the reason for her prolonged youth, just for funzies. But also

It’s pretty on the nose that the Hawkeye credits blatantly rip off Archer.

I guess it’s technically outside the remit of io9 reporting, but apparently Jared Padalecki is starring in a reboot of Walker Texas Ranger and I feel like that would be an object of interest to the readership here. Idk maybe I just missed the reporting but WHAT THE FUUUUUCK?!?!

dIsnEy enDORses SHAria

In addition to other stuff people said, I think it’s worthwhile to remember the following:

My reply was unnecessarily harsh and I apologize for being so salty. That is not the example I would prefer to set in this community.

It is my contention that both you and Buck are dickholes — stains upon the fandom — and should each fuck off forever

It’s not even all that accurate. Here are the definitions of “orphan” from Mirriam Webster:

This is kind of a shitty way to open your comment.

Yes, what Cobvious said. Freddie getting carried away the way he did, and Billy acting resentful and acting out the way that he did, each struck me as very realistic for people of that age.

Well, yes, and that is the point I’m making. The GrimDark elements were the enemy. Not our protagonists.

This film was literally about a bright, shiny, happy superhero pounding the snot out of the personifications of Broody Grimdark Snyderverse aesthetic.

It’s comics (movies). Any of these fuckers could come back. lol

AHEM she was a cloud of BLUE TYVM

What? Maybe I’m mixing up some names but I happened to hit pause right at the point she got torn in half and... she got torn in half.

Hell, I could write this series. Or at least the outline.

It would be more interesting to me if Mysterio is legitimately heroic, and remains heroic, but finds himself an antagonist toward Peter for whatever reason. For instance, maybe he thinks that a poorly-if-at-all-trained high-schooler who breaks shit a lot should not be getting in the way of “real” superheroes and also

The point of why it worked is that it was a sneak attack by a trusted ally, and their guards were down. But yes, agreed, he shouldn’t have been able to get them ALL, unless the X-Men in his universe are way worse at their jobs.

One of the magazines I’m working for is currently indulging in a moral panic issue about how The Youngs Today Just Want Meaningless Sex.

You must be (Sc)new.