
This is beautiful. I’m so happy for you that you and your daughter are bonding over this.

And it’s only 99% instead of 100% because someone (I bet it was Sony or Marvel) made a J. Jonah Jameson account...

I know that theory, and it scans pretty well. But that doesn’t actually answer my question, because Franklin isn’t 41/2 anymore so what about the Power kids.

I don’t disagree for that IRL reason, but at the same time I’d love to see what the Powers become, and I genuinely feel like they should be a much, much bigger deal in the Marvel universe. I don’t know why they always seem to get downplayed other than, well, they’re kids.

I can tell you now, having seen this film this past weekend: They fucking NAILED it with this movie.

What I’m more curious about is how fucking old is Franklin — and by extension and much more importantly to me, Power Pack — in the main 616 timeline.

Well, I don’t know what happened to the video link but I went and found the trailer on YouTube.

The biggest reveal of this trailer is the implication that Barton’s whole family got Snaptured. Pretty fucking cold, Russos.

I totally interpreted that as she was blasting outward with both hands! But your interpretation makes sense and would certainly go towards putting my concern to rest. Thanks for pointing it out!

I have the same recollection. And I am extremely here for it.

Having her power level be reliant on what energy source she can cap into is a good way to weave in dramatic tension while also justifying “can wipe out a flotilla of alien warships single-handedly”. I just hope this is made explicit in the film, because I’ve been thinking about it and the movies have generally been

No, but I want to! I’ve been hearing very good things!

Hahahahahah “non-union Superman” hahahahahah I love it. And yeah, I agree, this is a very purposeful move. Like I said, I’m not complaining. Just observing how much more powerful she’s shown to be just in the trailers.

One thing that really struck me as I watched this for the five hundredth time: Even Thor’s lightning attack had to zap the Leviathan for several seconds before it blew up. I know these aren’t the same type of ships, but they’re still warships, and Carol is taking them out left and right, with single shots and no

Oh, get the fuck out of here with your strawman bullshit.

Thanks for the fun reads, man.

Nope, I really enjoyed it, and so do several of my friends. Except Netflix Canada apparently doesn’t have the second season? That’s weird.

So, I’ve been sort of watching comics from the sidelines for a while now. I’d love to get back into reading them more regularly, but so much looks so different now.

She kicks so much more ass than Ant-Man, so I can’t find it in me to be too mad about it. lol

The question wasn’t about ants.