
To answer your question: No, she cannot.

My favorite Easter egg is that the Paramount is not a wholesome movie theatre but actually a strip club in New Westminister, B.C. It’s got that whole neon marquee (my understanding is it used to be a wholesome movie theatre but then the ‘70s happened) but usually very different posters. I’m pretty sure that red ticket

I have a Google alert for my name because I’m vain and want to know if anyone says anything about my book. No one ever does though, so that worked out fucking great. Anyway, apparently I share a name and spelling with, respectively, a British elected official from many years ago, and (shit you not) not one but at

I enjoyed this season a lot, but one thing suddenly occurred to me right around the midpoint of the season and I couldn’t shake it:

No lie, I thought that Robin Hood movie came and went already. The way King Arthur did.

Hulk’s farts are how he can jump such distances without utterly wrecking everything around the departure point. It’s canon now.

Why not? Season Two was almost entirely setup for exactly that. 

I really want some executive at Amazon to suddenly yell, “Wait, Lord of the RINGS, the nerdy elves and short people thing?! I thought you were talking about Lord of the Flies! Oh shit, is it too late to cancel everything?

For a minute I thought you meant she’s going to be on Gotham, which would have been confusing and weird and disappointing.

Yeah this is sort of my read on a lot of this as well, particularly as regards these very physical, body related powers.

This is a pretty interesting point, and I think over the years as comics have become more sophisticated, these sorts of stories have come up from time to time. Obviously I have not read all of the comics of the last thirty years, and I’m pretty tired after a long day, so no specific examples are jumping to mind. But I

lol TV Tropes discusses this at length. It seems like Quicksilver in the comics is a little bit better thought out, even if it’s still Comic Book Science.

Regarding the powers question, Christian is right on the money. But I wanna drill down on that a little bit because of course I do.

Things I like:

If that’s what io9 has become, I weep for what was lost.

So what I’m taking away from these quotes is that the plot of this film will be “bad guy manipulates a more powerful (heroic) mutant to nefarious ends which doesn’t work out for him and also it’s really about Erik’s and Chuck’s unconsumated boners for each other.” Also known as EVERY X-MEN MOVIE BECAUSE THESE FUCKWITS

I’m woefully behind on comics and have missed so much. But one thing that always sticks out for me about Spider-Man is the thing where someone* tells him something along the lines of he became the “best of us.” Not the flashiest or most powerful, but the best ideal of superhero. And I think there’s truth to that.

You diffuse light. You defuse bombs. #petpeeve

Your point is fair enough, but I feel like that’s a fairly big “if”. I don’t know what they’d have to gain by doing so, from a narrative standpoint. She’s a legacy hero. She’s always been a legacy hero. Hell, she’s a legacy hero who has a wildly popular legacy hero of her own. Stripping Mar-Vell’s influence would be

I... guess? I feel like that’s comparing a mule to a liger, lol. (Not casting aspersions on either character, just using well-known IRL hybrids.)