
No. Inhumans came from Kree genetic experimentation on Earth humans. I mean technically producing a Human/Kree hybrid child could be considered genetic experimentation, but that’s... that’s not how they did it. Point is, Inhumans are not part Kree. They are tinkered-with humans with an additional soupcon of Terrigen.

Wait no you are jumping to a weird conclusion by thinking that they’re ret-conning the Psyche-Dingledong. I got curious so I went and looked up what the deal is with the Kree, and with Mar-Vell. Kree don’t have energy powers and shit. All of these powers were added to Mar-Vell via genetic tinkering. So you still need

Does it, though? I’m not sure how you can take that as read.

It’s neat that you can state speculation and conjecture as absolute certainty.

No it wasn’t. She was tweeting at a MAGAZINE.

Also LMFAO as if anyone would let Sean Penn go on a space mission.

While I’m sure there is some Photoshop involved: Amy Acker clearly does not age like we regular humans. How ironic that she’s one of the “baseline human” characters on the show.

I feel like you’re missing a beat by not mentioning that the pictured bird is a CAPTAIN MARVEL PARROT.

Ah, bullshit. Humanity has always been tribalistic and fearful of “others”. Blaming modern technology for bringing out our race’s worst characteristics is like blaming a laxative for helping someone shit. Yes, the medicine made the shit come out — but they had to be full of shit in the first place for it to work.

I haven’t seen this movie since basically when it came out and that was before Monica Bellucci was a person I was aware of.

I really, really want to watch that

Here’s the thing: yes, actually. An important component of good worldbuilding/storytelling even in a fantasy setting is an internal logic even if that logic does not match up to the rules of real life. So it makes complete sense to parse out how something works within the rules established for this universe.

LOOK even with Godlike power are you seriously asking for THAT level of precision? Across the whole universe?! Jeez there is just no pleasing some people.

I’m honestly a little pissed off at the commentary I’m seeing on twitter about this.

One of the promotional videos/commercials in the leadup to the film’s release was a featurette about how they filmed that sequence. So the cameraman and everyone else involved in the shoot did in fact get credit. It’s pretty cool, you’d probably enjoy watching it.

The heavy press churn is definitely not a good sign.

Are we sure they didn’t alternate shoot days on the X-Movie sets, like the Olsen twins did on Full House? HE MIGHT STILL BE ICEMAN

It’s okay. That’s just what one would expect in the year Twenty-Eighteen.

Hey no problem even native speakers can’t possibly know all the words in English! :)

I mean, Hawk & Dove are kind of weird characters already. Dove in particular has never been well-realized in anything I’ve seen (note: have not seen any of their interpretations post-Flashpoint). And it’s frustrating because it would be so fucking easy to do - just give the character soporific, tranquilizing, or