
That is actually super cool.

Ah, gotcha. I mean, that might better be phrased as costuming than characterization; I do get your meaning on that now, though. And... I dunno. Both characters are aliens. I honestly don’t know how you’d go about making them look “natural” when the whole point is that they are not natural by Earth standards. That’s a

Tina Desai? The most chaste cast member of Sense8? lol

How did you get any kind of “characterization” about her from that trailer? Literally all we know is she is orange, glows, and does starblasty things with her hands. That’s like saying we got characterization from Gar. The transforming Titan who completely fails to transform.

I would watch the shit out of that

Don’t get me wrong, I fucking hate what Snyder did, but honestly he’s just as much a convenient scapegoat as anything. He would never have been given creative control if the WB suits/DC Editorial had had a clue what makes their characters work in the first place.

They should’ve had Mark Strong play Lex Luthor as well. And Ares. And the Joker. He was already Sinestro. He could’ve been like the anti-Coulson, tying all the movies together by the weirdness of what turns out to be meddling from Apokolips, creating villains to counter all of the heroes and soften them up. And when

NGL I’m kinda into this.

Shit, now you have me questioning MY recollection, which was that she was there with her parents. I would be very happy for her to have not been caught up in the Snappening. So I hope you’re right!

Janet being able to stabilize Hank and Ghost by a laying on of hands was kinda magical... unless I missed something, it sure seems like Janet has powers now. Is she gonna turn out to be the MCU’s Quasar or something?

Hahahaha holy shit no. It is not a new development; toxic nerdery has existed for decades. There are clippings around the internet of fan letters published in genre mags. The tone, language, and intent of those are identical to the shit we see from modern commentators.

The miniaturization is massively inconsistent and the explanation for what’s happening falls apart almost immediately. Like, forget the cars — they shrunk down a multistory building to the size of luggage, then treated it as luggage but shrunken objects supposedly retain their original mass.

Thoughts in no particular order: Cassie in general was an utter delight. Child actors can be pretty hit-or-miss, but she’s given just the right amount of material to sell perfectly. That scene where the family was watching the news together? I almost fell out of my seat laughing. Perfection.


Everyone at their wedding was brutally murdered, there was a plot point reveal involving the skeleton of an old friend, they had to retire for saving a wannabe suicide, all the baddies are explicitly stated as trying to kill children, capes are very bad and we are shown why on screen, and I’m sure I’m missing shit.

I still have three episodes to get through, but currently my complaint is I feel like Mariah (and Shades by extension) got way, way, way too much screen time, especially compared to the eponymous Cage.

What I find helps to think with this is: none of those other super-beings pose an existential threat the way that people touted as being the next step in human evolution do. Mutants explicitly are the replacement to modern humans. And some of them sure look weird as hell, IS ANOLE THE FUTURE THE LIBRULS WANT etc.

Thank you for reminding me of that email. I didn’t know where to send my hot tip that I had last week which you guys had covered mere days previous! lol

I wish I had a counter-argument, but I really just... don’t. You are distressingly correct.

Space is big?