
Yes. I think it’s especially important to support them now, while they are trying to get better. When they fail, they only get one viewing. When they succeed, you take the whole famn damily. That’s how we’ll get good DC movies.


NGL it would be fucking hilarious AND awesome to see him show up in this, complete with glow. It’s such a tragedy that we lost Julius Carry.

The pun does work, but that is not and never has been the idiom.

Fair enough on that last paragraph. But... even setting aside the “-isms” part, have you seen how some fans get super fucking nasty about this stuff? Like, they might have valid points, but there is a non-trivial number of people expressing them using pretty savage language.

As a matter of fact, it is not what I do all day. I have in fact had a pretty fulfilling life, thanks. And calling me a troll doesn’t make me a troll; that word does not mean “someone who disagrees with you.”

And I think you are making excuses for your own bad behavior.

Did I? “It doesn’t work.” “Here is are some examples of it working.”


I mean... I get what you’re saying, but this implies that True Fans can’t become creators. And I really get the feeling that that’s what happened in those instances.

People can care about and talk about more than one thing, but conflating those things is not a good thing to do.

The fact that you’re ignoring the example of an actual anonymous internet message board that I gave to you in that same post definitely shows that you like cherry-picking information to suit your worldview.

Start saying things that aren’t delusional, nihilistic bullshit. I have excellent reading comprehension, and you are not good at rebuttals.


I’m tracking with you on that! And you actually stated what I was thinking in much more concise and crisp terms, so thank you for that. Yes, essentially, I’m advocating for us all to use peer pressure to discourage people from being assholes. That was really what I was getting at.

io9 was a fairly large number of people and our asshole quotient was pretty low, because if someone decided to use abusive language and/or harass another person, the site admins and moderators (many of whom were just other members of the group) would step in and tell them their behavior was unacceptable. If they

I think it’s worthwhile to openly state that certain behavior is unacceptable and to acknowledge that flooding someone’s social media with hate speech does have psychological repercussions on that person.

No, what I said was that someone who is doing harassment should be shouted down by other members of the community. I’m not talking about white knighting, I’m talking about people being involved and standing up for each other.

I don’t have all of the answers and the ideas I do have may fall short or be infeasible. But I want to TRY.

Wow, those options escalated quickly!