
Okay, so I understand that you feel that way, but this is an article about someone being harassed right off social media because she was in a movie that some people didn’t like. It’s not an article about the movie itself, and one of the major points that the article is making is that conflating the two subjects has

So what you’re saying is, if you ignore a bad thing that is happening, it won’t continue to happen. You realize that’s insane bullshit, right? All that does is allows the people doing bad things to continue without oversight or recourse.

You do have a valid point but that’s why we individual regular nerds should also be not tolerating it.

Okay, but counterpoint: this is a teachable moment for the nerd community. People in the Star Wars fandom were harassing Kelly Marie Tran. We should not be tolerating that sort of activity, and we should be doing something about it.

So we as nerds should not tolerate harassment. How’s that for a better takeaway?

The explicit point of this article is that Kelly Marie Tran was the focus of targeted harassment and that is not okay, and it is different from criticizing the movie. Your post is off-topic. But it is interesting that you seem to think it’s more important to bitch about a movie that you didn’t like than to be

May I direct your attention in the article to the part where Rian Johnson tweeted that (paraphrasing) the majority of the fan interactions were positive but a small subset of the fandom was fucking terrible.

So you’re saying that people harassing Kelly Marie Tran using horrific sexist, racist language, was justified because she worked on a movie that you didn’t like.

These are two completely different subjects, and the entire point of this article is detailing how and why they are two different subjects, and that people should not be tolerating harassment.

Because his powers are like stereoids!

You know that’s what happened to Thor in Ragnarok.

Hi, Bore.

“I tend to completely miss the point of any given conversation because MY fee-fees about something tangentially related are more important than anyone else’s!” - Havlok

Oh, I see. Yeah, that timing is kinda backwards.

But if we weren’t paying attention, this is interesting news. So I don’t see how the announcement is unnecessary.

Came here to say this


First off, that’s what you think constitutes “being an asshole”? I know tone doesn’t always come through in text, but even so that bar of yours is on the ground.

This is literally a point that is taken up in the article that you apparently didn’t read!

Completely agree, and I’d even go so far as to say it’s up to all nerds to clean up the culture and make it clear that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated.