
I was gonna point out that this is hardly new, but I see several other nerds have beat me to it, lol.

Listen, man, you don’t have to hate on yourself THAT hard.

A lot of the scenes are backlit on purpose. In my screening, this had the effect of washing things out (I suspect because others had complained and the management tried to “turn up” the light).

...So does Captain Marvel.

I would utterly be on board with a (ahem) straight-faced Teen Romance Movie™ about the two of them getting together.

Can’t help but notice there’s no mention of when season six will air. I wonder what the chances are that everyone gets dusted and the show only comes back after the resolution in Avengers 4. Probably not that high, I guess.


That’s profoundly shitty.

Okay, when you put it that way, I can see how this would seem to be a problem. I still think it’s a relatively short-term problem that would sort itself out through further seasons and reorganizing deals, rather than just cutting bait and running. But I do see their logic a bit better, so thanks for clarifying on

That is why I clearly said “they OR the Fox execs”. “Or” was even in caps.

They are being shortsighted assholes about how profitability works, is the point I didn’t really feel like delving into at 12:30am.

Yes, THIS.

I didn’t know that about Killjoys (I don’t watch all of the things). And I’m not making any sort of claims they shouldn’t profit. But I do still think this is a shortsighted move. I feel like certain networks have a recurring theme of not allowing a show to properly bear its fruit. Fruit that, in the hands of a savvy

This seems ill-advised. I mean... they’re doing this now, when space opera stuff is probably more popular than ever (even Marvel is going cosmic, apparently). And with THIS show.

Besides, even if he didn’t know directly, the tension in that look and those lines was palpable.

Also it bugs me that Permanent Death™ seems to be the only “real stakes” that some folks will accept. Like... no. That is baffling to me in a universe where it’s established that people can be brought back. There’d be plenty of stakes and drama in a resurrection, especially on this scale!

I didn’t pick that up as a tagline, and I don’t recall that being said in Infinity War, but a couple folks now including yourself have mentioned it, so I guess they did do a Sherlock moment and I just missed it.

Maybe it was! I don’t remember all of the lines. I really need to see the film again.

Lmao have to admit that’s a very good point and well stated.