
Yeah, I’m regretting my offhand comment a little bit. lol

Agreed, I need more Shuri in all of the things.

Well fuck you, too.

It’s not just that, but you are absolutely correct. And he might not be. I thought it was faily clear I’m expressing some uncertainty about this and also being facetious.

The only two disappointments I had with this film were: I wanted someone to say “No shit, Sherlock” to Stark and Strange; and I really wanted to see Peter and Shuri nerd out together. I really hope one or both of those things happens in 4. Although I saw a video where Beenadick Cumbersnatch decried it as a cheesy

Can I just mention that Zazie Beetz must have the Charisma Infinity Stone?

Honestly one of the things I always thought the Ultimate Iron Man did right was make the suit kind of big and bulky. Like that thing I can believe someone would be inside of and protected by it. Whereas every cinematic design for the suits (and especially the last one) is so sleek and barely seems to add any bulk,

Homecoming made a point of showing that Spidey’s principal is the grandson of Mr. “I’m From Fresno, Ace” Jim Morita.

It’s funny seeing people being all “aw I know there are more movies coming out, no way is Black Panther really dead for good man that just kills the stakes” and I’m just like YEAH WELCOME TO COMICS MY DUDES


I’m still processing this fucking thing.

If there’s anything I want to see cross over from the movies to the comics, it’s that Thor is not the God of Hammers.

Yeah that kinda bugs me a little as well. Like... Strange is pretty explicitly a man of science who applied that mindset to learning magic.

False. I saw zero ass stuff.

My hype is off the charts. I hope I can get a good seat since I haven’t bought any tickets yet like the smart boy that I am.

I fucking adore her. She’s somehow relatable while simultaneously being superhumanly charismatic.

Side note: the Cinema WINS channel is fucking delightful. It’s not the same creator, it’s just a dude who really loves movies and ain’t afraid to tell us why.

Okay, I see why you’d say that, but I think it was unintentional. Because no one in their right minds would compare Ellis to Cinema Sins.

That was beautiful. Thank you for posting it.

Has anyone seen anything definitive about whether or not this is Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s last season? Last I heard, it hadn’t been decided yet and even the showrunners didn’t know.