
Thanks for bringing this to our attention, sincerely. However. It would be super cool if this sort of thing got a write-up earlier than the day before so we who didn’t know about it could plan to participate in our area. Just a thought.

I suspect the main reason is that she’s never really been a focal character in the way that she was in AoU. Similar to how characters like Widow, Falcon, and even Hulk don’t get fleshed out as much as the headliners (i.e., Cap, Thor, Tony, etc.). They have had less time to give her a leveling up progression that would

You don’t answer because you don’t have an answer. If you did, your dumb egotistical ass wouldn’t be able to resist rubbing it in everyone’s face.

That’s not an answer. That’s a counterattack.

So what have YOU done that’s so great, big guy?

Hahaha I normally don’t have a problem with this, but when I tried to watch that Wonder Woman TV pilot and the opening scene was them running around a well-known shopping complex in Hollywood, I couldn’t ignore that the scene’s geography was utterly batshit. So I can kinda relate to your stepfather, there!

So you admit to stalking me. That’s cool. That’s healthy. You’re clearly a very stable person whose opinions about literally anything we should all respect.

Oh yeah, I can definitely agree that that conversation can and should be had. I think different things work (or fail to work) in different ways, and for different people. This is often the heart of any discussion about art: how did it make each of us feel, how does the viewer react and interact with it.

Well now we are just having differing ideas about what constitutes “blogging.” I thought of this as sharing something cool with friends. Not blogging.

Look at me everyone, I make false equivalencies!

LMFAO you’re basing this on... what I post here on io9? Wow, you are really a piece of work.

Wow, you are a gatekeeping piece of shit. You don’t get to say that a thing that was created by artists isn’t art. Just because it was a collaboration, or had a budget, or got popular, doesn’t change the fact that it’s art. DO YOU THINK ARTISTS DON’T WANT TO MAKE MONEY? You are a truly dumb fuck.

Saying that a movie isn’t art just because it’s part of a franchise and/or makes money is to catastrophically misunderstand what “art” is. Black Panther is profoundly artistic, on many vectors and with impressive granularity. Just because they had a budget and studio backing doesn’t make it less “art.” It isn’t some

Aha yes, I had a vague recollection that his station had been established and I was having brain farts. Thank you.

If owning your own whole planet and maybe being one of the ageless Elders like the Collector and the Grandmaster (I don’t know if that was ever covered) isn’t enough to be considered royalty, what does, Zoom? WHAT DOES IT TAKE?

Honestly, if he hasn’t learned how to do feet better after all this time... I don’t know. I really just do not know.

I have my moments. This was not one of the prouder ones. But I admitted fault and apologized, which is all one can do with mistakes like that.

No, I’m from here and that anger comes from folks from the other places coming in and shitting all over what used to be a pretty nice bed. Also I missed the joke at first. I’ll own up to that.

Lol not at all! I actually appreciate that you pointed that out. It’s funny how ideas get absorbed and then come out later in unexpected ways, sometimes without the connection to the original.

UPDATE: I apologize, I took that at face value because I’ve just seen multiple comments on this site where people were not making jokes and it’s clearly got my blood up.