

I’m so over people on this site posting stupid, infantile attacks at the staff instead of actually having substantive conversation/debate. We’re not here for people to wank themselves over how much of an edgelord they can be. That is YouTube.

Awwwww didums has trouble reading big words? You need sentences to be like five words, max? Does babby need a study buddy?

“Oh look, I’m a dipshit commenter who uses shirtless photos with a big nerd tat as my avi! I’m so edgy, look at me with my big nerd tat.”

You’re a better person than I am, Beth.

Even before I googled Slavoj Zizek, this description was hilarious.

That sounds more like a problem with you than with youth.


One thing I really like about this show is that the interpersonal relationships are much more relatable and less soapy than the other shows. There’s still some drama, but it feels like the sort of drama that would really happen, not the cartoonish flailing that finally drove me away from Arrow. It’s a family that

Holy shit, you’re right! I feel less original now.

BONUS: Depending on the circumstances of this whole thing, this also retroactively explains why Strange was a Hydra target in Winter Soldier: it’s because he showed up as a Sorcerer in the ‘90s.

Appreciate that you kept in the attribution. :) Thanks for sharing the theory; my original post didn’t get a lot of eyes, apparently. XD

So everyone has already noticed that the name Seg-El = (Jerry) Seigel, right? All the discussions about that have already happened?

I’m not usually that guy, but... I’ve never, ever got so tired of a meme as quickly as I did this one. The first hundred or so on Twitter were funny I guess. Diminishing returns, ya know?

I’ve been saying for ages that this would be the route they’d take, and this was the solution to how you can have this many heroes crammed into a movie.

Cartoons do not and never have had the cachet and broad appeal that movies do. Saying “most people knew” on the basis of cartoons is patently ludicrous. Many people might vaguely recognize the characters because of the cartoons, but that’s not the same as knowing about them and definitely not the same as giving a shit

I just had a thought, and it’s kind of a weird one. What if Our (Remaining) Heroes realize that they need way more firepower to have a hope against Thanos, so of course they go ask Fury for more supers, and tells them the biggest gun he ever knew was back in the 1990s... but she disappeared. And then Strange does his

My guess would be: Because RDJ.

The person or people running the Defenders’ twitter accounts are fucking fantastic. Every time there’s a new release, be it a trailer or a whole show, the accounts wake up and start bickering with each other, in character. That is Good Twittering, whoever you are.

• Man, we got the Jim Lee designs for ONE FLEETING SCENE. And what I wouldn’t give to see the classic Phoenix costume on screen. But given the groundwork they’ve laid, it’s highly unlikely they’ll even nod in the direction of the source material. :(