
Agreed. There’s a difference between character-driven funny and slapstick pratfalls funny, and I know which one I want to see from the most powerful superhero in the MCU.

ME TOO! That book moved me so hard that the year I read it, everyone on my Christmas list got a copy.

If it did, I didn’t catch it. But I rarely catch that one in the other films, so at least that’s consistent.

Oh, cool! I can’t watch the vid because region locking, but I’ll take your word for it. Lol, I hedged my phrasing because I didn’t have Word of God confirmation on that.

This is anecdotal, but apparently they also had fun with “I’ve got a bad feeling about this” by making BB-8 say it in Droid. (Source: Talk from Superheroes podcast)

That’s not what you were doing though. You literally went on to suggest that women were not matching up to men in that department and that’s why there are no female action hero movies. And I’m the stupid one. Sure, dude. Sure.

I get it, you’re not the under-represented demographic so you correctly note that marketing and product aimed at people who are the under-represented demographic does not appeal to you.

I think the thing you’re missing is the question of proportion and emphasis. All of those franchises you mentioned did exist, and are cool, but this is still less than a dozen characters. Contrast this with probably hundreds of white male protagonists in this sphere. Or if you like, let’s just focus on superheroes.

I don’t want to make assumptions on your lived experience, but in my  experience, Hollywood is nothing if not overflowing with people of all shapes and sizes trying to make it in the Biz. They’ll find someone.

Ya know... I think you’re trolling. I got better things to do with my life than entertain a troll. If you’re being sincere, I’m not sure I can reach you through your profound misunderstanding of how storytelling works. Cheers, good luck to you in your life.

Okay, no. You and I are having completely different conversations. I have read back this entire thread and one thing I’m certain of is that you have some sort of reading comprehension impairment, cognitive disability, or maybe you just don’t speak English very well.

Who the fuck are you calling “kid”? FOH here with your condescending bullshit, dude. And your posts are becoming increasingly disassociative, so I really think you wanna not go the condescending route.

ALL of them?

I don’t disagree with your analysis, except to add that when the characters are a certain way from the outset, you don’t change it for the fucking movie. For me at least it’s my core complaint. DC changed the characterizations in dreary ways for their movies and it just did not fucking work for me. But MCU films, Deadpool was one character... in an already established franchise that had been running since 2000. If this is proving you right, then I honestly do not know what point you are trying to prove. Unless it is just “make good movies”; in which case, that is correct and also I don’t believe it was ever in

Yeah, that’s a read of it! LMFAO I can’t even disagree!

Easier, but with smaller potential return for investment. And on top of it they can’t be seen as too similar to Marvel. And because they’re suits who themselves don’t understand the IP, they backed a horse that doesn’t understand or respect the track he was running on. Like I keep saying, these characters, because

That’s good to know! When I can afford another subscription service, I will certainly consider that. Thanks!

That’s a very interesting analysis and I actually wanna take some time to mull that over, because I feel like it might actually change how I consider these stories a little bit.

That’s AMAZING. I really wish that circumstances hadn’t prevented me from watching the full run of Batman: TAS or that Superman cartoon. But wow. I would have watched the SHIT out of that.