
The Captain Marvel movie is coming, albeit not nearly soon enough!

Yeah it’s certainly better, but I think some of that has to be down to the lower resolution and screen size.

We do see. It is stupid, but we see it.

This would be an interesting twist on “traditional” teke, but I thought the Mime had to go “retrieve” his “gear” in an earlier issue? That part of the buildup was “Is he super-dedicated to the bit, or is there actual gear?” Invisible gadgetry makes more sense and does sort of feel more true to the Watchmen universe

I went the other way because I don’t watch Riverdale, lol. “Is there seriously an actress named Sue Snell on that show that is doing a Carrie episode?! O_o” lol

I could not disagree with you more, and I find your reasoning for that “pass” to be specious. But arguing on the Internet gets no one anywhere. Good day, sir or madam.

You are complaining that a TV show about people with superpowers has people with superpowers in it.

Sorry if this is barely on-topic, but I wanted to share some good ones I’ve come across this year. 2017 was an unusually good year for me and music videos. “Guardian Inferno” is without question the music video highlight of 2017 for me, just because I really, really love seeing how much fun Our Heroes have together.

THE WORD IN THIS CONTEXT IS “discreet” GDI #petpeeve

Mixed bag but overall I think better. Definitely a lot less angsty this season, which I am heartily in favor of.

A certain subset of Star Wars fans are sexist, entitled crybabies, news at eleven.

Except. EXCEPT. Being upset because Leia (a Skywalker and canonical badass from Day One) can use the Force is actually, actively, objectively stupid. Is it really name-calling if it’s an accurate description?

Well. “More convoluted” would definitely be overstating it. But it’s definitely not as simple as it used to be.

It’s funny: when I found the site, it already felt so lived-in and comfortable, with such an amazing community already, that I had no inkling that it was only about a year old. I figured everyone had been talking to each other for YEARS at that point. The editorial team really did a fantastic job of being inclusive,

Point on Runaways. But the original poster makes it sound like THAT’S ALL THAT’S ON TV ARGUGHGIODGSIOHBDFSIO lol.

Haven’t seen much of The Gifted, but yeah I did forget Runaways. You got me there. SO MUCH TEEN DRAMA

There isn’t a single live-action superhero show on the air right now that involves angsty teens.

I guess that depends on what you use your costume for.


That could also be true. I’d say it would be more likely for him to be an X-Baby, because they canonically exist in-universe - but this is fucking Exiles and if ANY Marvel comic is gonna give no shits about in-universe canon, it’s this one. :D