
This gives me life.

He was also in Suicide Squad, the dude who says, “What if Superman flew down and ripped off the roof of the White House and grabbed the President” which is a line I think about a lot these days.

It’s a source of... wonder? I guess? That sounds too pure. Think like a grungy, bitter, sordid wonder. Maybe I’ll think of the word when I’ve had more coffee. Anyway. Any time that book comes up in discussion, without fail, people will say “What about that scene” and there’s just no questioning which scene is being

I haven’t read that one but I’ve read enough of his other stuff when I was young and stupid to know that yes, I do not need to google that.


He’s always had all the powers, though. Which kinda makes sense as the king of a society that is a caste system dependent on relative power levels.

You’re not wrong, that happened. It was, I think, the first time they introduced the possibility of Bobby being one of the most powerful mutants.

Don’t lose your shit, we are all pretty motherfucking fluent in French, here.



That’s a really good point about the justification.

Was just thinking she did not get enough screen time in the first film.

Shut. Up. And. Take. My. Money.

I want a Power Pack movie.

I’ll come right out and say it: What a self-serving asshole James Cameron is for saying this shit.

Could there be even more confusion on the way?

Damn, I really need to watch this movie again...

The DCEU is what the MCU would have been like if they’d started with just the Ang Lee Hulk movie.

I actually do dress and style my hair pretty much the same way I did ten years ago.

My favorite example of this was when Jessica is in the interrogation room, which is painted in her palette of purple/periwinkle and then Matt walks in, opening a door that is red on his side.