

Your wording implies that you do care. Rather a lot, actually.

Yeahhhhh. CinemaSins used to actually be funny, and even make some good points now and then. But they sacrificed integrity for dumb jokes and it’s getting harder and harder to defend or even like them. Like some of the complaints they make are for “not understanding” things that are explicitly explained in the movie.

Ohhhhh. I get what you’re saying.

The Endless have always been part of the “main” DC continuity (though not anyone’s idea of being at the forefront). I’m not sure why this somehow controversial.

He does in fact wear the jacket over the costume in the movie.


Yeah they stripped out all of the mythology. No mention of the Turtle? No “Bird and Bear and Hare and Fish”? NO KA WHATSOEVER THEY HAD MATTHEW MCCAUGNEGHGHGH AND THEY DIDNT DO TIME IS A FLA— ahem KA IS A WHEEL WHAT FUCKING EVEN WITH THESE ASSHOLES

It’s “Big [as in, the 1988 film starring Tom Hanks] with superpowers” and I’m a little surprised that no one seems to have noticed that. #nitpicks

Touche, lol.

Well, we know that Asgardians are all tougher and stronger than denizens of Midgard, with Thor being one of the strongest even without MewMew. So yeah, those powers are definitely intrinsic.

Man, I don’t get why folks keep insisting it’s on the bubble. Unless I’ve mixed things up or forgotten something, AoS is the only broadcast TV show that Marvel has.* Why would they cede the medium to DC entirely? I mean, I know “blah blah ratings blah bla Nielson” but I wonder how much that actually matters when we’re

I’m okay with the links not being too strong? Making everything revolve around just the Avengers/the movies shrinks the universe and is the cause of the almost universally reviled first season being so problematic.

I really read that awkwardness as intentional given that Cap is, as far as anyone knows, still a virgin/extremely inexperienced with women.

This is gonna be one of those times when not having a good eye for bad CG is gonna work in my favor, isn’t it?

Comics, TV, and movies are bad at that in general. It’d be nice if they weren’t.

Well THAT’S more like it. 😋

I did not know that. Huh.

I have said many many times (so many times I’m probably “that guy” to some folks) that I really hope that Thor’s powers are intrinsic rather than just coming from MewMew. That last scene where Thor slams down into the Rainbow Bridge, coruscating with lighting? That gives me hope.

A good place to start when making a Fantastic Four movie — or literally ANY superhero movie — is to not be embarrassed by the source material or try to “make it cooler.” Marvel understands this, and it’s disconcerting that no one else seems to.