
My favorite thing about all of these behind-the-scenes videos and photos is how clear it is that these guys are just having such a good time doing their job. Like you never hear about drama. Instead you get these rad pictures and videos of happy artists having a blast bringing us fun movies.

It kind of is the coolest thing ever, though.

I have completely forgotten about this. Hmm.

Yeah, that was the GotG spoiler that I was redacting. šŸ˜

Sounds like the real problem is an irrational dislike for Chloe Bennet.

Iā€™ll give it a chance. I donā€™t particularly care for the casting for most of the characters, but itā€™s not like Inhumans are SUPER POPULAR AND WELL KNOWN all caps, shouting, and certainly until relatively recently have not had the sort of character development of, say, X-Men. I think itā€™s only fair to give the show aā€¦

Yeah, your take is bad and you should feel bad. I wish you didnā€™t have to endure the pain of disliking something that is good.

Is it physically painful to be wrong so hard? Please let us know. For science.

Heart. Her name is Ironheart.

OMG that interview with Busey, thatā€™s my friend Kimberly! Hahahaha holy shit what a trip to see her face here. Keep an eye out for that one, folks. I think sheā€™s going places.

ā€œThe kids are using Trajan, Papyrus, Arial, Times New Roman, Helvetica, Trebuchet, and Comic Sans, because no one taught them better and these days being able to purchase Adobe Creative Cloud is all it takes to become a designer,ā€ he said without a trace of bitterness.

I agree with everything you said, but I have an addition: I think each series needs its own theme and, like, balliwick. I donā€™t feel like we have that right now with everyone just walking all over everyone elseā€™s shit.

A) I absolutely want that Defenders poster right now. I would, naturally, draw shit on Danny Blandā€™s face.

If you are talking about these posters: That is clearly a frost giant creature thing. You can see itā€™s eye.

Nope, they used Trajan, the OTHER overused typeface! LOL

I definitely want that poster.

What you did there. I SAW IT

What Howard the Duck: The Movie and Lea Thompson really have to answer for is the contribution to the ozone hole from the amount of Aquanet she alone was responsible for.

Kim Rhodes/Jody Mills is one of the absolute best things about Supernatural and my only problem with this is that it took so long to happen.

Follow up: It might be because of my social media ā€œlikes,ā€ but Iā€™m seeing more Gunslinger ads on Instagram and other such places today. Maybe itā€™s the Blue Car thing, or...